This was not how Tegan has expected her summer to be. She caught her breath as the tint in her cheeks slowly faded away. He didnt worry at first, after all youre decent enough to take them on. He can feel his breath quicken, and Sapnaps hand meeting his shoulder but his eyes are stuck to yours. You slam your boot down on the fabric, digging it into the ground. He, He might take some days off to spend it with you, giving an excuse that he needs to make sure youre safe. But Itll be done sometime this night! He felt overwhelmed and underwhelmed. Lmanberg is finally gone, only crumbles and pieces of the land left. His beanie long discarded showing off his messy hair. It is your horns, for the most part, that send him spiralling back to the beginning. Others would cry or shout in disgust. He sinks into himself, remembering how he responded when you asked a similar question before. Prendas nicas, una misin extraordinaria. With a rushed goodbye, you run out of the house, the door slamming behind you. Humans love roaming in groups and here you are alone. I hope you've been good and are happy doing what you do now. He teleports away, giving your house one last glance. But maybe, you can force time to move faster. Five seconds and he is getting closer. There's not a single hero who can keep every god satisfied. Psters originales del tema Quackity X Reader Las Nevadas Lemon Hechos y vendidos por artistas Decora las paredes de tu dormitorio, oficina o habitacin. Weve heard about how the townspeople forced your hand. || (+) Four, he raises his sword, the black metal glowing in the light. So ill post it then :), Characters: Badboyhalo, Quackity, Technoblade, Karl, Wilbur, Schlatt. hihi this is a Quackity x reader fanfic !! They would just be using you for some reason.. He looks at you frantically before whispering his troubles. He flushes from the accusation, feeling embarrassed that he was caught. He screams dramatically, when you grab him, lifting him off the ground. Quackity X Reader | Quotev We are not liable for your package if your address is entered incorrectly! He was feeling even more impatient than before as he slid his hand down himself quickly. His comment is blatantly unnecessary. She squeezed her thighs together, squirming in her spot. Wasnt he enough? Club Quackity - Discord A teenage boy is running from the law. Once an order has been placed, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order. . And, when it was all over you ran to me. But not as lovers, but as enemies, but they both know deep down they still have feelings for each other. The only thing that would end this friendship would be your death. Completed slowburn quackityhq quackityhqxreader +14 more # 3 Gamer Girl (Quackity/Alex x Reader. How foolish that person must have been to believe such a ridiculous idea. I'm going dream team one shots. The third time he meets you, is unintentional. So it's just a weird situation. The piglin hybrid stands in the doorway, Philza by his side. Not when you made it this far. Hi! Smiles and Cafes (Quackity x Reader) I hear the front door bell chime as the door opens and I quickly pick my head up. A long kiss will end his antics quickly, if youre annoyed by them, Hes met his fair share of creatures while traveling, So he knew that you were a yokai when he first met you, but not exactly what type, You didnt talk to him much when you first interacted, instead just following the poor soul around, He didnt mind assuming youd eventually leave him alone, But you dont, spending more and more days with him, And one point, the two of you start talking simply to push away the silence, He watches while you cup your hands together and a mini explosion appears in your palms, Looking closer, he finally notices the purple specks in your eyes, He is more curious than amazed, taking notes of other details about you, Youre a great help on travels, not only company wise but also since monsters seem to avoid you, The few brave ones that approach get knocked back by Philza, He wont admit his fondness for you, especially since he knows youll get a good laugh about the situation, Technically, since youre a spirit you cant get hurt but you dont bother to tell him that, He spotted the fire spreading around the forest before he saw you, Once he did see you, he tried to rush you out of the area, Quickly learns that he cant when his arm phases through your body, You decide to follow him anyways, curious of the creature, You find out he is part fox, while he learns that youre a yokai, The fire was apparently your fault, a side effect of the object you took on: a campfire, He wants to laugh, he really does, but you seem so excited while explaining what you can do, It is a bit interesting to see different colored flames dance about your skin harmlessly, If he wants to hang out with you, itll have to be outside since you seem to struggle to control the flames, That or he will need to dump water on you, but youre never fond of that, He likes how you warm up the area around you, his muscles always relaxing when you show up, He will stretch out, flopping into the grass with you, Just very relaxing moments spent together, Even if you cant interact with humans, you can still touch objects, It is like you are constantly sliding everywhere, similar to wearing socks on hardwood floors, Schlatt would toss out an arm and trip you if he could, Although he finds it adorable, it can be a little too much at times, Your yokai is ice, a rather normal but fun material, Yet, with that your presence always chills the room, The temperature will drop by a couple degrees whenever you decide to appear, basically giving away your location, Schlatt would be the person to make jokes about what horrible things he has done to get stuck with you saying that more frequently when he realizes most other people cant see you, He doesnt actual mean it though, enjoying your companionship, He didnt realize at first that you are a yokai, He simply saw a person fall off a cliff and freaked out, Ranboo would run to your side trying to check if youre okay, When you get up nonchalantly, brushing off the dirt like you merely tripped, Youre quickly to explain that youre a yokai, specifically one that took on the qualities of obsidian, Now that he looks closer, he can see the dark purple details on your skin, almost like freckles, By taking on the properties of obsidian, you became quite resilient to damage, You boast loudly to the hybrid, asking if he wants to see you jump again, He is bound to have a heart attack because of you, At one point he is worried that he is imagining you, simply because he already hears voices and has memory problems, That worry escapes when he sees you tackle Technoblade in an attempt to steal his crown, He had to drag you away from the angry piglin, feeling faint from your wild actions, He normally doesnt care about other creatures, paying no mind to them, Until you show up searching through his chests, His sword is quick to slice through your body, but it hits no resistance, He lets out a loud heh in confusion, wondering if youre a ghost that Ghostbur brought back, You dont pay much attention to the hybrid, mumbling something about being a yokai, Hes obviously interested, and slightly peeved that you are ruffling in his chests, and asks more questions, Apparently, you took on the aspects of gilded blackstone for whatever reason, It explains his strange attraction to you, since the block has aspects of gold within it, If he inspects your skin, hell find freckles than shine like the ore, Techno tries to ignore you, but finds it difficult because of your features, Hell have to get Philza to drag you out, the mentor laughing at his predicament, Techno wont try to stop you from visiting, having a soft spot for you already, He doesnt care that youre a spirit or that others think of you as evil, All he knows is that you have the same qualities of a note block, You can easily mimic other sounds and sing little tunes to trick other people, He enjoys pranking people with you, joining in from time to time, Quackity tries to give you different items to see if you can hold a different pitched tune, If you dont give him attention, he will joke around about replacing you with a jukebox, He likes seeing how defensive you get, knowing deep down that he could never do that, He was walking through a forest nearby the houses, simply enjoying the day when you come tumbling down into a pile of snow nearby. They become his most prized possession. He isnt used to affection, so almost anything will make him react, Sam likes to scratch behind your ears, thinking the rumbles from your throat are soothing. His body burns, with humiliation and fear. Somehow, this all feels wrong. I cant go there, you dont understand. They would die for eachother, that's how much they cared. Fundy didn't like his younger sister so he left her and sat far away from her. The burn ran across your arm and down to your elbow. We just want to talk with them, preferably without you here.. Welcome to my first dream smp fanfic! Even after Schlatt was gone, his presence was still lingering around the area. Technoblade and Philza arent as kind as you think they are. So welcoming, for what youre about to do. He faltered on that thought for so long, the mumbles rumbling in his mind for hours on end. - As he is a magpie, his "bird-brain" takes over wh. Quackity X Reader Las Nevadas Lemon Pillows & Cushions His eyes move past Quackity, practically ignoring the other as he addresses you. His hand lands on your shoulder, pulling roughly. In truth, he was scared of showing himself to you. - You hear his voice in the wind, his laughter amongst others and see dashes of his wings around corners. Your grip is stronger than he expects, the force making him grimace, He invites you to the house, figuring youll be cold from falling into the snow. Why didnt you want anything? Token quackity x dream x reader. Spinning in a circle to take in the worried and judging looks of everyone else. Y/N.." He groaned, feeling himself. This place was never my home and never will be. You didnt understand, how could you? He recoils, looking shocked by the statement. His wings will wrap around the two of you as his head sinks to your shoulder, He is a little afraid of your power, knowing that the ender dragon is this fearsome monster that is said to destroy entire civilizations in a day, He teases you so much for the trait, finding it adorable, He later finds out that when you sneeze or cough, fire will sometimes escape your mouth, Fundy will prank you for a week, putting pepper on almost every surface just to see you sneeze, That is, until something accidentally catches on fire, He notices how your wings stretch out when he compliments or surprises you, Fundy thinks that little quirk is just adorable, going out of his way to see you react like that, Scales lay about on your skin, like small freckles, He adores how they look, telling you every time he sees a new one, He too, is a little worried about others trying to hurt you, especially when he is gone. You attempt to take a deep inhale, grunting from the pain. You glare at the last remaining flag, flying weakly in the wind. And, I believed you.. He remembers wanting to join you. We want you here, but not if youll be upset.. A soft whisper, comes from Quackity until it is followed by a much more confident voice. The man practically yelps, not expecting the touch, Plenty of apologies, ears tilting back as you say you cant help your curiosity, Hes blushing, but pushes it off as nothing. I wanted to stick by your side after that. Printed on light chiffon fabric, Redbubble's scarves will keep you cool in summer and stylish in winter. I cant just leave everything behind. He trails off unsure of how to convince you. A weight on your hand makes you look down. You want to flinch at his harsh words, but you cant show weakness. Tears rise to his eyes before he runs off. Quackity and Y/N are both around 19 and 20! Quackity grits his teeth, wanting to yell out but stops with a directed glare from Philza. quackity x female!reader smutshots. The gold dust did nothing to prove that, glimmering in the pool of blood. ! The next couple of hours are followed by long conversations between you two. Someone cries out, while another pulls you up and onto their shoulder. To apologize and to see you again. You could tell how he had spent a lot of time perfecting his pearly white grin. anyways, feel free to decline this request this is like, your third one sbuvsusg-. A random hybrid shows up at his door, and they are related to the ender dragon? That is why you needed to finish the job. His laughs are dry but he can feel more energy entering his system. Theyll all just leave you in the end. Feeling bile rising to your throat, you lean over the side of the bed, emptying your stomach. Gods, you feel sick. He hides again and this time Sapnap and Karl dont attempt to make him leave the house. Shower 23.4K . It isnt bone-crushing, but a comfortable hold that has him relaxing instantly, He will force you to meet Sapnap and Karl, enjoying how you all get along so well, Group cuddles become a constant occurrence, something fun to do after a long day, It doesnt take him long to learn about your enhanced sense of smell, He might push food near your face, asking what ingredients you can smell, just for fun, He wont mention how you growl or the rumbling that comes from your chest when laying together, Quackity also wont mention how fast your tail is wagging, thinking its absolutely adorable, He knows everything and anything happening in the area, since his job as a prison guard requires him to stay alert, So when he hears about a new hybrid, he simply ignored the thought, not expecting to see you anytime soon, It was when he was walking home from his shift, that he spotted someone surrounded by multiple hostile mobs, He will fight the monsters immediately, holding a hand out to you when hes done, That is when hell notice the fuzzy ears on your head and the crinkling of your nose when you take his hand, Sam will offer to take you home, glad his mask can hide the blush on his cheeks. It all changes when Dream gets wings. I dont know what to believe, they seemed so sincere., You cant go live with that pig! He shouts briefly, but quiets down when you flinch. Yanking Fundys hand, you sprint away, trying to find someone else to prank, You two are always seen with each other after that point, Calm moments are spent laying together. This was going to happen, eventually. You try to smile, but it looks painful. Once an order has left our shipping facility, we are unable to change its address. Ukanpu Quackity Merch LAS Nevadas Gorro negro, 1, Talla nica : Ropa, Zapatos y Accesorios You leave your horns behind, having no need for them anymore. With a fake sigh, you turn around putting a stern expression on. Your eyes light up and you wave to the group. Whether it be, a spark of anger, a spark of fear, a spark of love or even a spark of obsession. How curious, that as humans we rush time, a concept we barely understand, for our own benefits. Shut up! He yells, charging forward. Figments of your imagination, but you accept them greedily. Yet, he doesnt. I just cant do it. Bright lights, great times, and good vibes. Is so excited to be a dad. ||Karmaland V reacciona a Quackity from las nevadas! (1/?)|| And you are enjoying the peace of your home when the glass shatters. Quackity lays against the bed, having pulled up a chair to the bedside. The two have be My friend payed me five bucks to make this (I normally write fluff haha) Is it bad that I kind of like this? That place is shit!, Then stay here. He falters at your harsh words, his eyes wide. If one looks close enough, you can see the puffiness under his eyes. From everyone because theyll change, I promise!. after some tears and long-awaited hugs, will this night take the reader to a place they never knew they needed? You love spending time in Lmanburg, all of your friends live here too. !, He probably wont go flying with you too often, it never really was his thing, If you get antsy about not flying though, he will join you, Oh my gosh, you wanna go flying again? Puffy rushes forward, immediately checking on you. Ender dragon hybird!reader x Hybirds? Even if you dont need the protection, Youre quite sociable as a bear hybrid, clinging to him unknowingly. You can hear Phil trying to stifle his laughs behind a cough, failing miserably. But, his entire life has been spent in this area. A monster. Hes made countless deals with humans, using their greed for his own gain. Karl waves back, not noticing how tense his friend is. I'm really sorry i really really tried to write it but it ended up triggering me so sorry I wont be finishing the fic. Dream: Very shocked. Her hands check your bandages, picking apart the seams carefully. by Exulansis :] 104K 2.7K 22 Hello! Dream said. In a way, you were right. But, whatever you are saying doesnt reach his ears. Everything was going wrong. Youre panting heavily, bleed dripping in huge streams down your face. Its the happiest hes seen you in so long. casino quackity x reader You leave, all your thoughts reminding you not to turn around. . Or how he slams his fists into the ground. He stays there until your body dissipates into golden particles. A dumb, silly little bet. Despite the lurking danger of monsters roaming about, he cant sleep and feels the need to get out for once. You can see it clearly. Las Nevadas || A c!Quackity Playlist - YouTube Think Twice! Blood drips from the weapon. He knows that what the other hybrids are offering sounds amazing, and in your position he would probably pick them. I'm going dream team one shots. Nothing to it, right?? Youre leaning back, closing your eyes as sweat and blood runs down your face. I called you an idiot. Sapnap finds himself grinning at the memory. If we couldnt have the country then no one can. Theres nothing they could do after you died. Placing his hand on your belly even though it isnt big yet. If you have any questions, please send us a message at Havent you done enough already? He holds onto the handle of his sword a little tighter, his nails digging into the metal. You step away, saying one last goodbye. repost since people are having trouble seeing the text, Warnings: blood, vomit, description of wounds, etc. But, the horns, oh how they sent a pain through his body. He simply nods his head slowly, mumbling a confirmation under his breath. Youre still clinging onto the past. He goes quiet, turning his head away. Las Nevadas (country) | Dream Team Wiki | Fandom He doesnt answer fast enough, leaving you in despair. Well, Not so crazy after last week You toyed with the idea one last time in your head before making a final decision. Like falling asleep and how you could barely remember the feeling. Working directly under the cruel man was difficult for him. "He's another streamer. Your voice cracks and tears well up in your eyes at the suggestion. But, every relationship hides their own problems from the public. If only. I found Quackity there and he wasn't ready to see you guys again but I couldn't stay away from him." Tears formed at your eyes as the guilt . His voice wavers at first and sometimes he stops momentarily. Karl and Sapnap run through the crowd, shock growing in their faces. Quackity? Expressing concern for him, you try to help slow down his breathing, not understanding what is happening. And if he holds you close like this no one can hurt you. Wilbur finds himself in Las Nevadas, Quackity's very own creation, begging for forgiveness. You pull away from the embrace, leaving the bed entirely. So, I could see you smile so freely. Sapnap bites onto his bottom lip, the skin breaking at the force. Three measly lives until they were gone forever. You smile widely and flop back onto the grass. - Bbh: The sweetheart cradle/head on chest. Will was 20, fundy was 4 and y/n was 1. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING***, i will not be writing tommy or tubbo or ranboo (or anyone else that is underage) as romantic partners but i will probably include them in chapters as friends/younger sibling figures (similar to their relationship with wilbur), the cover art is not mine and i found it on pinterest (credit to the artist) but i added the title to it :), (no smut, but probably dirty jokes and bad language), The kingdom is weakening, so an arrangement must be made between the Prince of Las Nevadas, Quackity, and the Princess of L'manburg, You.Might update rating later in book. When she was younger Wilbur, fundy, and her left Sally. It certainly didnt start out romantic, rather just a simple interest. What will happen when one cute streamer catches the eye of another? Although Tubbo will most likely run away on sight, and the teen will have to track down his friend while you awkwardly watch, The three of you will become quick friends, bonding over the smallest of things, Ranboo will invite you to live in Snowchester with them, a little unsure about leaving you around Technoblade or Philza, Although he trusts the older men, he knows that youll most likely be safer in Snowchester, He gets really worried about Dream finding out you exist, knowing the cruelty of the man, But with him stuck in the prison, there shouldnt be too much to worry about, When you suggest taking him on a flight, he agrees liking the idea, Until he is hundreds of feet into the sky, clinging onto you for dear life, Hell prefer to stay on the ground for a while, letting you go on flights alone. Sensing his change in attitude, you apologized and gave them a hug. It is subtle, bittersweet and not long enough. He shouldnt have befriended you. He appeared in front of the group, his green cloak fluttering behind him. Just stop it already. Language . All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Well its a little late now. You cant stop the harshness in your voice, a small part of you not wanting to accept his apology. Alex-Lemons @alex-lemons. Then, that just makes this easier doesnt it? You smile sadly at Sapnap, taking in his appearance one last time. Y/N placed her face in her palm, sighing. You sigh, leaning your head back against the ground. Kindly double check that your shipping address is correct before submitting your order. The grip is weak but strengthens with his words. To the person who asked for the platonic quackity x reader. I left you. Quackity Visits Las Nevadas - YouTube All he has left are the memories he can grasp and even they grey with time. With a mutu A little one-shot thing I decided to make.