Jehovah's Witnesses & the Fear of Armageddon 1-2. 1. King of the North 1914 to Armageddon; GT Timeline. 17:11) But Armageddon does not refer to any literal place on earth. Jehovah's Witnesses, however, expected that the . It will NEVER come. This does not signify that the faithful remnant or society of Jehovah?s anointed witnesses are an earthly tribunal of interpretation, delegated to interpret the Scriptures and its prophecies. Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring 'the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.' The Witnesses, however, assign a most strange interpretation to the phrase. This may seem counter-intuitive to getting rid of someone, but the fact is that if you don't answer the door, they are likely to mark you as "not home" and return in the near future. The word generation (genea) refers to the sum total of those born at the same time, expanded to include all those living at a given time and freq[uently] defined in terms of specific characteristics, generation, contemporaries (F.W. ", *** Watchtower 1964 June 15 pp.365-6 Jehovah, the God of Progressive Revelation ***, 22 As Jehovah revealed his truths by means of the first-century Christian congregation so he does today by means of the present-day Christian congregation. pp 14,15 explains the parallel with the days of Noah, in which Noah was given 120 years to. The word Armageddon appears just once in the Scriptures, and it comes from a Hebrew term that means Mountain of Megiddo. (Rev. Incredibly, however, they manipulate the expression this generation across more than 2,000 years of history to embrace the modern era. by slimboyfat Introduction. A few victims who can't conform here and there, but "the organization" on the whole is moving fast forward. Because to be known by him can mean having Gods approval. Sure, they've had growth but its not translated into enough cash to keep the status quo. To teach his disciples the importance of keeping on the watch, Jesus told them: "Note the fig tree and all the other trees: When they are already in the bud, by observing it you know for yourselves that now the summer is near.". Further, they totally ignore the Lords declaration that all the signs of Matthew 24:5-33 were to be fulfilled in the A.D. 70 event. (Rev. How thankful we should be for the provision God has made of this slave class, the modern spiritual remnant, as they faithfully dispense the revealed truths of Jehovah ! latest How many religions have voluntarily "ceased operations/closed for business"? 'He that does the will of God remains forever,' states the Bible. I asked this question (and I received no answer). This means that 0.236% of Jehovah's Witnesses have died of Covid-19, over 4 times higher than the global rate in August 2021 of 0.051%. | In contrast, what the Bible says about Armageddon involves good news, a cause for happiness! But this lie will be especially dangerous because it will give people a false sense of security just before the greatest tribulation in human history begins. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century." On occasion, Jehovah directly intervened in those battles. Let us consider each of these in turn. In 2014, a San Diego judge ordered Watchtower to award $13.5 million to a man who was abused by a church . Final Prophecy Cycle Timeline Images; . A quarter of a century ago I filed a copy of the Watchtower magazine (published and distributed by the "Jehovah's Witnesses"). 1:6-9. w08 01/01 pg. 19:2) How will Jehovah destroy Babylon the Great? My concern is that placing the emphasis of the discussion on the days of Noah might give some the false impression that the Bibles reference to the days of Noah would be similar, if not identical, to the History of Noah (Genesis 6:9) Because, immediately prior to the reference to the History of Noah we have the statement in Genesis 6:3: After that Jehovah said: My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. How to Have Jehovah's Witnesses Go Away: 14 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow Songez ce qu'il signifiait : plus que 120 ans et Jhovah allait amener" un dluge d'eau sur la terre, pour ravager de dessous les cieux toute chair dans laquelle la force de vie est en action" - Gense 6:17 7 () Et nous ? They could say 2051 as they were given the title of a prophet in 1931 thus 120 years of a witness to the world just a NOAH was a preacher of rightiousness??? Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. (b)Based on Revelation 16:14, 16, why can we say that Armageddon is not a literal place? In my opinion the ONLY reason they haven't taken this and run with it is that 2034 is still TOO FAR AWAY for them to maintain the urgency and fear they need in the rank and file. We are certainly in 'the time of the end.' Lots of threats - pandemic, China, Russia, terrorism and no real integrity in leadership are unnerving, however the JW's have a clear and tangible history of falsely prophesying Armageddon, actually 6 or 7 separate and distinct episodes in their brief ~140 year history - yes "God's Organization" is less than 200 yrs old as while Jesus walked . It fit together so nicely. That will be enough for the WTS to delude the JW's for another 14 yrs. 8:3) How so? (The Finished Mystery, 1917 edition, p. 258), 1917 "It is the Day of Vengeance, which began in the world war of 1914 and which will break like a furious morning storm in 1918." Not at all. This works for the current GB as some of them will be alive in 2034 but all will be dead by 2154! This is similar to the view that the disciples had as to the imminence of God's kingdom in their day. Matthew 24:21 NWT. The ten horns represent the current political powers supporting that organization. {WT 6}. According to Revelation 17:1, 6 and 18:24, why will Jehovah destroy Babylon the Great? Jehovah's Witnesses originated as a branch of the Bible Student movement, which developed in the United States in the 1870s among followers of Christian restorationist minister Charles Taze Russell.Bible Student missionaries were sent to England in 1881 and the first overseas branch was opened in London in 1900. Poul Bregninge's parents became Jehovah's Witnesses when he was 2 years old. Copyright 2001-2015 Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information. Of special interest are the expressions this generation, and all.. Unlike Jews, Sinti and Roma (" Gypsies "), and others persecuted and killed by virtue of their birth, Jehovah's Witnesses had the opportunity to escape . . Here is our best guess at this point in timeblah blah blah." At conventions the shock announcement was made - the 'generation' was reformulated so that it could stretch into the foreseeable future. Even so, we can endure with joy. (Ezek. In what order will God destroy Satans world? *** w86 3/15 p. 19 Allow No Place for the Devil! They sang: From heaven the stars fought . (Josh. (May 15, 1947, page 157) "The Watchtower does not claim to be inspired in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic." Some Dubs believed the year 2000 would not arrive before Armageddon. To become, i.e. Jehovah's Witnesses - A Controverrsial Denomination - Learn Religions watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses("Slave" Theodore Jaracz announces the Armageddon SONG 143 Keep Working, Watching, and Waiting. The account in Luke is admittedly much clearer in putting emphasis on the event, it occurred rather than the days of. I would seem that things are being revealed at the proper time to encourage the preaching work. Some Dubs believed the year 2000 would not arrive before Armageddon. Those events occurred over many decades. There were disputes among the governing body about how far they should push the 1975 thing. Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that He was using and guiding them.'' They were guilty of false prophesying. Other Jehovah's Witnesses presidents included Nathan H. Knorr (1942-1977), Fredrick W. Franz (1977-1992), and Milton G. Henschel (1992-2000). by ClassickConcept Daniel 4 Gentile Times "Seven Times" Reference | kingnorth 11. Wow long topic title. Armageddon Predictions by Jehovah's Witnesses Interrupt them. beliefs. Will religious leaders participate? Jehovah's Witnesses: Witnessing to the Witnesses | No, for the Christian congregation is operated theocratically, meaning that it recognizes the leadership only of Jehovah God as exercised through his Son and enthroned King, Jesus Christ. Revelation is clear that it is the Kings of the earth versus God. Noah preached 120 years until the time of the flood, which was the time of the end to Noah and his generation . I didn't see this as an endorsement of 2035 as the end, but rather a statement that there's still lots of time left. Mr. theodore Jaracz, member of the Governing body, known as the faithful and discreet slave, who provides with spiritual meat to the domestics in due time, a. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Let us take a closer look at those two major events. (Ps. But what will happen then? 3 Read Revelation 16:14,16. How can we remain faithful as Armageddon draws near? The man . 1993 March 22 pp.3-4 Why So Many False Alarms? You will see a gradual emphasis of this until the mid-to-late 2020s when they will go completely nuts with it like they did in 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975. -2 Thess. Does no one think my post interesting enough to reply? 1:2-4) A key is to persevere in heartfelt prayer. or is it that you are trying to convince yourself they acually did predict? (2Chron. A generation could be considered 40 years. From what I've read in the forum, the doctrine change has been a fairly stealthy one and hasn't fully registered in the consciousness of the rank and file (especially with the WTS still shouting the "end is near! 18:7,8. For practically the first time in their 120 year history Witnesses had no date to work work towards, no reasonable time frame in which to place their expectations. Even the republics will disappear in the fall of 1920. Yet nothing happened. After all, she has long boasted: I sit as queen, and I am not a widow, and I will never see mourning.Rev. Like Pharaoh at the Red Sea, Gog will learn that he is fighting against Jehovah.Ex. Jehovah's Witness 'ordered to renounce faith and join Russian army' Europe. Two portions of scripture were relied upon heavily as prophetic proof-texts that Armageddon was imminent. It does not mean that the writings in this magazine The Watchtower are inspired and infallible and without mistakes." Jehovah's Witnesses' Vision of Armageddon: A Guide - JW FAQ *** Watchtower 1964 October 1 p.601 Pay Attention to Prophecy ***. Should we use these accounts in Matthew and Luke to indicate an extended period of time of the presence of Jesus Christ? And all the righteous will be saved.Prov. You will be interested to learn that God has on earth a people, all of whom are prophets , or witnesses for God. Since the generation that overlapped with the eagle-eyed anointed that saw the enthronement that also overlapped the end of the gentile times. Page 15, Paragraph 6 "In Noah's day, Jehovah declared: 'My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. You would likely increase cash flow. 18:4) They have also worked hard to help others flee from her. 1. The leaders of the Watchtower Organization have long taught their members that THEY, and THEY, alone, are "appointed by Jesus" to dispense His truth, or, as it is put to the rank-and-file, "spiritual food," and that if a Jehovah's Witness does not follow the teachings of the Watchtower, and remain "faithful" to the Watchtower Organization, they are "going against God and His . Was it not founded on the 'immovable' 1914 date? Now, all they have to do is shift the start date to 1914 and they've got 2034 to look forward to. Most Jehovah's Witnesses - roughly two-thirds (65%) - are . That is the interesting part. Good, I'll be too old to give a damn anyway. 10 questions to ask a Jehovah's Witness - Premier Christianity cecinissem casuri agitandarum radiaretis inhibere domuum in Hebrew Gematria equals 2191: c 3 e 5 c 3 i 9 n 40 i 9 s 90 s 90 e 5 m 30 0 c 3 a 1 s 90 u 200 r 80 i 9 0 a 1 g 7 i 9 t 100 a 1 n 40 d 4 a 1 r 80 u 200 m 30 0 r 80 a 1 d 4 i 9 a 1 r 80 e 5 t 100 i 9 s 90 0 i 9 n 40 h 8 i 9 b 2 e 5 in Hebrew Gematria equals 2191: c 3 e 5 c 3 i 9 n 40 i 9 s 90 s 90 e 5 m 30 0 c 3 . #1 would make the most sense from a business prospective but I don't see them resisting #2. ^ par. Scans of the english article were posted here a while back. In my opinion, there are 2 ways they can go: 1 - Mainstream - drop shunning, make blood conscious matter, focus less on field service and more on community projects (sort of like the LDS), turn Bethel into the JW version of BYU, push getting a good education instead of vilifying college, etc. (Daniel 12:4) How should we respond to warnings we have been given? []. They will make her devastated and naked by plundering her wealth and exposing her wickedness. slimboyfat. Why do they have to go from one extreme to another? 21 And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" No wonder this has a dramatic effect on the Witnesses' ability to convert and retain members - in the western world they have still to recover from the 1995 announcement. Personally, having lived through the 1975 era as an adult, fully aware of the speculation and expectations associated with that time, along with the effect that it had on brothers around me, I am not excited to see the prospect of a similar event occurring as a result of the above statements. The December 15, 2003 Watchtower article is paralleling Noah's day to our present day. (Isa. Those who have read Raymond Franz's 'crisis of conscience' will have heard the story about Dan Sydlik's remark about the need to 'open some windows to let some air in here'. Then there was that Watchtower a while back that many apostates interpreted as pointing to 2034 implicitly. 'I Couldn't Continue On': A Former Jehovah's Witness On Leaving The Faith [Footnotes]Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Or will the Witnesses break up into various factions and branches before it even reaches that stage? This calculation is based in the year 1914 as the begining of the last days plus the. Charles Taze Russell formed the Jehovah's Witnesses. 15. TERMS OF USE Rather, it appears that they are both describing the condition, attitude, and behavior of the people prior to an event, with the event being the subject of the sentences. (1John 2:3-5; 5:3) When we show that we know God, we have the honor of being known by him, which will be lifesaving at Armageddon! Jehovah's Witnesses. appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the 'slave' as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision. But is it not far preferable to make some mistakes because of overeagerness to see God's purposes accomplished than to be spiritually asleep as to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? The imperative mood indicates a command, the singular/masculine form suggests the directive was initially to Timothy, the present tense reflects an action in which the young evangelist was to be currently engaged, and the middle voice carries the personal responsibility to turn yourself away from these things. Publication download options As I stated earlier about the account in Luke 17:26-28 referring to the occurrence (event) of the end versus the period of time it would seem that clear thinking would prevent us from trying to attach a length of time of any sort to the presence of Jesus Christ based upon the account in Matthew citied in the article. Like that ancient era, Christs presence would be a period of time during which people would be too caught up in the day-to-day affairs of life to take a note of a warning being given. Customer reviews: Judgment Day Must Wait: Jehovah's Actions against the religious group and its individual members spanned the Nazi years 1933 to 1945. Jehovah's Witnesses: Is Armageddon Still Just Around the Corner? We can imagine how the world will respond. There is no comparison! It's not like they haven't done this before. The Bible says 'their days are seventy or eighty', so Witnesses figured that the end must come around 1994 at the latest. The prospect of dying at Armageddon is a terrible thing for a Jehovahs Witness because they are taught that . The evidence is clear that Jehovah has used and is continuing to use his one organization, with "the faithful and discreet slave" taking the lead. Anointed who 'saw the events of 1914' born Dec 31, 1914 11:59pm dies Dec 31, 2034 at 11:59 pm.. At that very moment the 'generation' that will see Armageddon is born Dec 31, 2034 at 11:59 and lives another 120 years thusly it is 'logical evidence' that Armageddon shall commence in 2154. Megiddo was a city in ancient Israel. So, they've cut expenses to the bone (with more cuts on the way I would imagine). Thieves! Jehovah's Witnesses are members of a Christian-based religious movement probably best known for their door-to-door evangelistic work. I recall giving a PT about the last days (early 90s) and even using the argument that we were almost at the 80 year anniversary of 1914 and that generation didn't have many left. Armageddon Is Good News! - Jehovah's WitnessesOfficial Website: (1Cor. *** Watchtower 1981 February 15 p.19 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible? 12-18) Noteworthy is the sentence that says: "Rather than trying to decide whether a certain person, family or group of persons . 873 Jehovah's Witnesses Premium High Res Photos - Getty Images 1993 3/22 Why So Many False Alarms? 12:2; Rev. Why Russia is afraid of Jehovah's Witnesses - The Conversation (a)How do we show that we know God? Fred Franz was allowed to write his prediction about 1975 in the "Life Everlasting" book. (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment of his Son's words in a relatively short time." 19:11, 14,15) But what about Jehovahs chief enemy, Satan, whose lying propaganda led the nations to Armageddon? In December, the 2021 Governing Body Update #10 announced that 25,658 Jehovahs Witnesses have died due to Covid 19. How We Can Tell Armageddon Is Near - JW.ORG Alas, such appears not to be in the foreseeable future. latest Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. And all that without upsetting the majority of its members. The glorious reign of Christ that shall bring blessings to the world will immediately follow. ***, Jehovah's Witnesses , in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. The fact of the matter is, however, the Watchtower folks concede that Christs application was to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. Nothing is said about God bringing a genocide. Two mounting proofs for Armageddon in 2034 - Answer the door. The Jehovah's Witnesses' new tactic - BBC News Fred Franz managed to publish more definite statements about 1975 than the other members would have liked. Despite our trials, how can we remain faithful as Armageddon draws near? cit., p. 31). Jehovah's Witnesses with 1.3 million members in the U.S. who hand out brochures on sidewalks and subway platforms and ring doorbells are one of the most visible religious groups in the . Had not God's organisation been teaching about the 'generation' for decades? How so? (Rev. (2Chron. last days. Copyright 2001-2015 Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information. ever made a false prediction of Jesus? Jehovah God is therefore the only Supreme Court of interpretation of His inspired word. To such remnant of faithful servants of Jehovah God Christ Jesus has entrusted all ?his goods?, or earthly interests of the Kingdom. All rights reserved. Would you like to read this article in %%? The second text to which our friends appeal in support of their imminent Armageddon theory is found in Pauls second epistle to Timothy. Will Only Baptized Jehovah's Witnesses Survive Armageddon? All content appearing on this site is owned and maintained by the Fortify Your Faith Foundation, a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.