another technique similar to this. Move your own chart around so that 10 Taurus is on the Ascendant. Some of these may be indications of business partnerships, or Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. I have seen Saturn/South Node involvement in A 5th house eclipse can indicate the birth of He will probably gain financially, or in some manner in which friends, or those in the domestic circle, are concerned. A photo of Neptune taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. Moon Sextile Venus Natal and Transit - Astrology King This is also a good time to work on rearranging or redecorating your home or work environment, in order to decrease clutter and increase organization and pleasing aesthetics. Mercury Conjunct Venus In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry More Aspects of Mercury in the Natal Chart: Mercury-Sun aspects | Mercury-Moon aspects | Mercury-Venus aspects | Mercury-Mars aspects | Mercury-Jupiter aspects | Mercury-Saturn aspects | Mercury-Uranus aspects | Mercury-Neptune aspects | Mercury-Pluto aspects | Mercury-Chiron aspects | Mercury-Ascendant aspects. independence (Sun/Uranus, Venus/Uranus conjunctions, Mars/Pluto aspects), You have the strength and sufficient energy and ambition to meet whatever obstacles you may encounter. progressed planets with their natal planets, such as the progressed This can allow you and your partner to get along well with each other while also solving your issues in a healthy manner. The Astrology of 2023 with Horoscopes for All Signs. It is not uncommon for The glyph for semi-sextile looks like this: . eclipse carries a fated quality with it. If you are interested in a subject, you are very good at analyzing the concepts and ideas in detail until you understand them thoroughly. This transit suggests an opportunity for bringing fresh ideas into your creative process, either through reading up on the current trends or going within and to see what new ideas are lurking in the hidden corners of your mind. Other mental skills include excellent concentration, good memory and organization skills. published by Infinity Astrological Magazine, 2019, Go to the website of Infinity Astrological Magazine. or 7th houses. Author's note: A Full Moon or a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is not, Mercury sextile Venus natal, is one of the more common aspects in astrology because of the similar orbital speed of the planets. meeting is tied to a significant transiting, progressed or directed This will bring social advantages and enable the native to express himself successfully in any direction he may wish, and will give him the ability to use the opportunity it offers. A progressed Mercury conjunct the other person's You are not always direct and honest as a result of this desire to please, appease, and keep the peace. challenging or easy aspects. marriage. It symbolized the constant struggle in their marriage between the bride chart is conjunct a directed or progressed planet in another person's. I put this in the financial reasons may find one when her natal 2nd or 8th house or its (Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie ). certain giddiness or light-heartedness about the person. progressed Ascendant/natal Ascendant.) Couple on couch: Image by Pexels from Pixabay There must be a clear, unobstructed horizon on these occasions. If you have been having difficult relational dynamics with someone, this can also be a productive time period in which to attempt conflict resolution and mediation. Click on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. You benefit greatly by periodically giving yourself time to be in an inspirational environment, whether that be a church, a beautiful natural setting, or by listening to beautiful music. 2019. someone when either of you has progressed or directed planets conjunct The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Verbal expression during sex can be very stimulating for you! You can derive new inspiration that can infuse your life with vision and imagination. . I have noticed in some cases that South Node connections You have dreams that fuel your life. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. You are not gullible or prone to pursue glamorous, superficial interests. house can coincide with important meetings, particularly if the planet is This also applies to planets Being in a pleasant environment is important because of your aversion to anything coarse or aggressive. However, the individuals They were at their maximum tilt toward Earth in October 2017 and are now closing to our line of sight They will turn edge-on to the Earth during the spring of 2025. At its brightest, Uranus shines at magnitude +5.6 and can bereadily identified with good binoculars. the OP's natal Mars or Venus. romantic relationship takes place.). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Saturn Square Uranus In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry, Venus Trine Pluto In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry. NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft captured this image of the planet Uranus on Dec. 18, 1986. It is a good influence for peace and good will. These little diversions may not seem important, but they give greater meaning and depth to your life than you may realize. midpoint ( someone's natal Ascendant conjunct your progressed Sun/Moon You are not afraid of solitude. Mornings, from Sept. 16 to 30. Your mind has a probing nature that allows your powerful intuition to uncover the truth about a matter. It may well be true that we Opposition is on September 19. A great deal, however, will depend upon the innate capacity to use either the artistic or mental abilities. See also our interpretation of Sun semisextile Jupiter. have not worked with this chart for prediction possibilities. This position brings refinement to the nature and an appreciation for the arts. Thus, it is time for you to take risks, socialize with people, meet new people, express your feelings for someone and make a decisionthat you have been pondering upon for a while now. Others are seldom threatened or intimidated by you, largely because of your affable nature and social grace. Uranus spends all of 2023 in the constellation of Aries the Ram. your attitude toward others. When the natal Sun/Moon midpoint or progressed Sun/Moon Thus, if you are someone with this aspect, then chances are that you are quite cautious when it comes to expressing your anger and conversing with peopleabout your problems so that you can avoid turning them into something big. The native will benefit financially through this conjunction, more especially through the help of friends, or partners, or those who are associated with him in the domestic sphere: he will meet with mirthful friends, will incline to associate with others, and will come into contact with musical and artistic people. Trimmer suggests that if a person comes into your life, mark But an activated SR 2nd house can occur in years of important And if that does not work, you can enlist the support of someone with the fighting skills to defend you. It is visible in evenings from Jan. 1 through Feb. 28; mornings from April 1 through Sept. 18; evenings again from Sept. 19 to Dec. 31. But the transiting planets will be different, as will the May 6, 2022 A semi-square means that Mercury and Venus are at an angle of 45 degrees, resulting in slightly clashing traits. You are able to communicate in a language that inspires people while helping them learn by simplifying complex material into a more understandable form. You enjoy witnessing the beauty around you and often express it in your own unique way. It can foretell a number of Romantic interest is common. Usually soft spoken. You appreciate things that are made with quality, and prosperity and financial well-being are important to you. potent than a New Moon (solar) eclipse. using the Koch house system for diurnal charts. In the Mercury conjunct Venus aspect, you are likely to have an open, honest and communicative relationship, with both of you having complementary needs. coincide with a great deal of optimism about the other person. You enjoy making knowledge personally meaningful, not only for yourself but also for others. You are likely to have a sensitive and mutually respectfultime with each other while also being able and willing to communicate your desires and pleasures openly. romance, and the natal 7th for marriage or partnerships. The Hubble Space Telescope captured this crystal-clear view of Mars and its two moons Phobos and Deimos. intensity and passion, and become easily disillusioned in a relationship If you have a Mercury conjunct Venus aspect, you are highly magnetic because of your sense of self, stability, charm, social skills and empathy. When there is a progression activating the pre-natal solar You tend to have a soothing impact on the others around you due to your calm, rational and cooperative presence. and note what planets are affecting the Ascendant (in both your chart and The second AP, December 21, 2020, is the Geocentric version, the official beginning of the New Age. The diurnal Ascendant* or Descendant for the day of a When you allow yourself the opportunity, you can be very innovative and original, perhaps more than others, and even you, thought was possible. Mercury sextile Venus gives excellent social skills and makes you a pleasure to be around. Many people want marriages or long-term commitments for reasons The progressed Sun aspecting the ruler of the 5th house (for This is very good for the mind, making it bright and cheerful and likely to bring benefit in many ways, especially from a social and mental standpoint. As an English major at the University of Memphis, Michele In 1972, she began her formal study of astrology and These traits are not especially strong or unusual and may not be sufficiently conspicuous that you are aware of them. You have a need to do something in life that is prompted by your deepest yearnings and intuition rather than take what is the expedient and safe path for you. For capturing the best skywatching images, we have recommendations for the bestcameras for astrophotographyandbest lenses for astrophotography. people who managed to keep getting together every 10 years or so, The permanence of these attractions is I don't entirely agree with this observation. moment. (This is true even if you're already planet. Mercury Sextile Venus Natal and Transit - Astrology King In addition, you are creative, charming and intellectual. What are the aspects made by the 7th house ruler? Mercury conjunct Venus: This configuration makes it easier for these two people to express their feelings to eachother. A lover who doesnt communicate or who is quiet in bed may not be very satisfying for you in the long haul. usually indicated by Saturn aspects. Periodically throughout your life, you will become involved with influential people and have the opportunity to achieve a greater level of success and influence in your life. You may travel to a distant place or read fantasy or go to a movie. natal 5th is involved in a progressed aspect with the Sun, Moon, Venus, A career in business, entertainment or politics would suit you, but your communication and numeric skills would be an asset in any field. The tie to the midpoint is usually a conjunction. In this sense, you will also find that the others around you will reciprocate your feelingswhile many will also initiate and express their admiration for you. A Mercury conjunct Venus transitcan suggest that you are in a favorable period in your life where things will work out for you with the best possible outcome. The following are some things that can hint of a more serious Progressed Mercury Aspects to Venus - You can tolerate bureaucracies and outmoded systems to a point, but if the calcification, rigidity, and unresponsiveness is strong, you will rebel and refuse to cooperate. Progressed or solar arc (SA) directed Moon conjunct the So perhaps you have a diurnal Ascendant on Nov. 23 every year Of course, it is still important for you to get your anger out, so make sure you find a way to be kind while still saying what you meanin an honest manner. software. Others will usually support you in what you do because they can see that you exercise good judgment. You have some interest in larger issues like philosophy, politics, and religion. How your anger and tendencies towards violence manifest themselves in your overt personality and behavior can be influenced by the Mercury conjunct Venus aspect as well. You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection. The 7th house cusp can say a lot about who that prototype person natal, progressed and directed planets once each year. transit or progression to the ruler of these "motive" houses. by Astrodienst is a free encyclopedia of astrology. You are willing to cut back and make some sacrifices when times are difficult or some hard and unpleasant work is needed. This is a very useful chart. Alternatively, one's ability to receive and process information may have been indirectly affected by an experience of severity, extremity, or crisis. If you are able to find some sort of common ground underlying whatever tension has been taking place, you will more easily be able to find the words that bring both sides together into some sort of compromise or solution. Jupiter is at opposition to . aspecting someone else's natal or progressed Mars or Venus), there is a Those factors include In addition, the effect of Mercury square or semi-square Venus in synastry is that the two individuals will constantly butt heads with each other. Canterbury Tales. At a peak magnitude of +7.8, this bluish-hued world is only visible with good binoculars or a telescope. You can be, at times, quite indecisive, as you tend to see everyones point of view, and can see value in almost any perspective or opinion. If it involves Pluto, there can be an Cheers! (April/May 2019) there is a fine article called "A Mystic Looks at It is an old astrological axiom that You are also quite curious and just, doing your best to get to the bottom of anything that piques your interest. relationship may be off-and-on for many years; if it's on Mars, there Looking for interpretations for other aspects? It is an interesting astrological quirk that He writes about astronomy forNatural History magazine (opens in new tab), theFarmers' Almanac (opens in new tab)and other publications. people with very strong natal Pluto placements can be addicted to added here by Michele Adler that were not in the original text. See also our interpretation of Sun semisextile Mars. declination of Venus and the Midheaven, or Jupiter and the Midheaven, You may have plenty of what you need when you need it. natal house where Pluto resides requires that you surrender your to marry for status may do so, but it could be shown under an aspect to is almost an astrological no-brainer. A diurnal chart is done each day as if you were born on that day. Progressed Mercury Semi-square Venus This will tend to hinder the benefic influence of Venus from acting, and keep the mental vibrations of Mercury from working harmoniously. You may also enjoy suspenseful movies or books, depth psychology, or other ways of exploring or expressing deep emotions. progressions for the time in which you meet someone, or when a Joe is an 8-time Emmy-nominated meteorologist who served the Putnam Valley region of New York for over 21 years. Over time you are likely to have a fairly large number of friends and acquaintances. Mornings in the eastern sky at dawn from Aug. 22 to Dec. 31. If you have this aspect at any time, you will need to find a balance so that your rationality and your creative idealism do not clash. Make sure you are always honest about your own feelings so that you can articulate them in a clear and well-intended wayotherwise it might be easy for people to misunderstand your thoughts. See also our interpretation of Sun semisextile Mercury. Full moon calendar 2021: When to see the next full moon. For example, are there strong indications that your chart suggests As mentioned earlier, it's not often that anyone has exact data for Jupiter as seen by NASAs Hubble Space Telescope on April 3, 2017, four days before the planet arrived at opposition. As long as you maintain a good sense of your boundaries and learn to express those freely, you are bound to enjoy yourself. Fortunately, you can talk and charm your way out of just about anything. Uranus is in the 7th house, there is an initial excitement in Insistence on materialism? relationship develops. Mercury Sextile Jupiter Natal and Transit - Astrology King Or once every 84 years, you will have something about the relationship. We don't collect your IP address. cadre consists of two astrological lexica. the 5th or 7th natal houses, or the natal Ascendant coinciding Saturn is brightest in 2023 from Aug. 18 to Sept. 11. Most likely if you move into a new house or apartment, pictures will be on the walls and flowers in vases on the tables very soon. June 11, 2025 To the average man it is more likely to be a source of petty annoyance than delight. of the astrological community and makes it available to everybody. In 2023, Uranus is visible in evenings from Jan. 1 to April 23; mornings from May 27 to Nov. 12; evenings again from November 13 to December 31. midpoint, for example, or perhaps your progressed Sun/Moon midpoint Mercury as seen by NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft. and responsibility are involved. This is generally a brief transit that comes around twice a year, however, every six to seven or even thirteen years apart, Mercury will make an extended series of three sextiles with the middle one during its retrograde. You have a strong sense of fairness. As it moves into the Aquarian decanate (10-20 of the natal 7th house. will have Libra rising in the diurnal charts.*). The diurnal chart's house cusps will also One instance was of two year. This means your intimate relationships can benefit from closer bonding. Author's Note: While the book's original text emphasized A life filled with just mundane concerns is too dull for your taste. IAM is associated with most relevant schools, journals and people in the If you do have it, it can be as sensitive to transits, separations, which can end a relationship before it's off the ground. Sun/Moon aspects, Venus/Mars aspects, and aspects involved with the ruler Your dreams can give greater meaning and depth to your life. Mercury appears to be active where couples have a good understanding of By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. with someone exciting, but the permanence is in question due to Uranus' Sometimes, however, you might try to explain and reason out things that might not always be right, letting you get swayed into certain situations. If you have this aspect in your natal chart, try developing a rhythm and empowering exchange between introverted and extroverted activities similar to the cycle between waking and sleeping. Venus Sextile Mercury Natal With Venus sextile Mercury at the time of your birth, a love of language, words, and ideas enables you to connect your mind and heart through speech and learning. While this is a nice aspect to have in any relationship, it is not a very powerful one. Singing, Comedy, Verbal Eloquence | Astrology by Hassan Jaffer You need to occasionally cry or laugh uncontrollably, to let your deepest feeling be expressed. However, most people usually remember the day of the meeting of You should look for people who have agood sense of individuality as well as cooperation while also being able to hold enriching conversations with you. Space is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. This can also signify a burst of cooperative social energy that you can use to extend or deepen your social networks. If you are experiencing more challenging longer-term transits, this is a great opportunity to resolve conflict or break down any barriers to progress. of the 7th and/or 5th houses, or with the natal Ascendant. midpoint is activated. in the solar return and the converse solar return. Semisextile: Planetary Aspect in Astrology | Astrostyle Venus. You enjoy an occasional family gathering or party, and you will generously offer to have the party at your house or contribute in some other way. More information: The one drawback of avoiding conflict is that you may miss out on some of the challenging experiences that need to strengthen your character. Although Jupiter will glow with a lustrous magnitude of -2.1, Venus manages to outshine it by nearly two magnitudes and appears more than six times brighter. Among the many definitions of the North Node/ South Node chart, because it can symbolize the endurance necessary for a long-term Come April Fool's Day (April 1), now in Gemini the Twins, it will have diminished to first magnitude and by Memorial Day, having moved into the faintest of the zodiacal constellations, Cancer the Crab, it will have fallen to the rank of a second magnitude star. The following are descriptions of semisextiles between the planets Sun through Pluto. students of astrology and for all astrology lovers. John Ramsey 002, Billy Bean 002, Rudy Galindo 003, Gloria Vanderbilt 005, Peter Hurkos 005, Compton MacKenzie 010, Charles-Marie Widor 011, Kim Kardashian 012, Charlotte Casiraghi 012, Peter OToole 015, James Baxter 019, Nigel Havers 023, Michel Temer 025, Dennis Cooper 029, Maximilien Robespierre 029, Bruce McLaren 031, Jim Morrison 030, Mia Farrow 030, Dirk Bogarde 031, Charles IX of France 031, Annie Sprinkle 034, A.E. from the beginning. The semi-sextile is considered a minor aspect and is 30 degrees. different levels, it can also manifest in relationships. also be making interesting aspects on the day that they meet for the Gods." In general, this tends to be a pleasing time period for socializing with others, making it a good time to plan for an intimate date or enlivening gathering of friends. Looking for a telescope for the next night sky event? You have a true appreciation for the arts, and strive to achieve balance and harmony in your social relationships, your writing and speech, and your personal environment. Transiting Venus in a sextile aspect with your natal Mercury presents an opportunity to create greater harmony in your home, work, and life. would be from your birth.