In Wings Over Yakyakistan, Rainbow Dash is among the Wonderbolts who perform at an airshow in Yakyakistan only for it to come under attack by the dragons. I don't even know his name. Sh-h-h-h.", In the "My Secret Crush" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Rainbow Dash writes "That guy on the baseball team. Dreams of being permanently grounded, taken shape. However, her fragile wings, made of "gossamer and morning dew", burst into flames, sending her plummeting towards the earth. In Filli Vanilli, Cheerilee swoons over Big Mac's perceived vocals during Find the Music in You. In Hearts and Hooves Day, the Cutie Mark Crusaders try to set up Big McIntosh and Cheerilee, eventually pulling them together with a love potion. She Talks to Angel and The Last Problem ambiguate whether Fluttershy and Discord have a future romantic relationship.[1][specify]. Owlowisciousfrom Owl's Well That Ends Well onwardis Twilight Sparkle's pet.[specify], Spike is Twilight Sparkle's pet.[specify], Yas Queen is Vignette Valencia's pet Welsh corgi.[specify], Ripleyfrom Filli Vanilli onwardis Zipporwhill's pet.[specify]. When asked about their relationship, Blue Moon was quoted as saying, 'She[sic] makes me feel so young!'". Cheerilee teaches a class of foals at the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Different versions of mystery pack wave 10 collector card 10 state that Snailsquirm "is best friends with" and "is the fun-loving best friend of" Snipsy Snap. Because of this bond, they grow closer than before and become part of the . However, Scootaloo points out that Caramel appears to already be in a relationship with Sassaflash. In My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #33, Cherry Jubilee reveals to Applejack that she used to be a member of Buffalo Bull's Amazing Wild West Show under the name "Calamity Mane" and that she and Buffalo Bull were in love. Who is Sunset Shimmer's boyfriend? - Working Area Rarity. She ends up fighting over him with Fleetfoot, who fell in love with Big Mac in the first half of the story. Some time during Sunset's studies, Celestia gives her a magical book with which to communicate with her. Peachy Pie's in-game description in Gameloft's mobile game also states that Sunny Daze is her "best pony pal". You've heard of me?To Twilight Sparkle, Friendship is Magic, part 1, Hey. As the competition draws to a close, however, she decides that she must perform anyway. In Enterplay's collectible card game, Defenders of Equestria card #9 C of Rainbow Dash as Snowdash lists the quote "Ever since Snowfall Frost figured out how cool Hearth's Warming is, I went from no vacation time to two weeks a year, plus paid sick days! But internally, yeah, we were Rairjack shipping. Scootaloo, the Pegasus pony of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, idolizes Rainbow Dash. Representing the Element of Loyalty, she is charged with keeping the weather. 1 The Royal Wedding, My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale#Secret Ad-mare-er, My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown, My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending, Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden, My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship, My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Movie Magic, My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Mirror Magic, Applejack and the Honest-to-Goodness Switcheroo, Fluttershy and the Fine Furry Friends Fair, No YOU Are on Twitter: "@Prince_Doopliss Could beee", My Little Pony: A New Generation Cast Revealed, K.Hadley on Twitter: "@JumpieStudios @WubcakeVA We thought their conflict felt a little like a lovers quarrel rather than a friend fight as written. In My Little Pony The Movie and its surrounding material, the Storm King's army consists of the Storm Creatures, hedgehog Grubber, and broken-horned unicorn Tempest Shadow, who becomes the Storm King's new second-in-command following the betrayal of his minion Strife, as depicted in My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel. [20][21] In Gameloft's mobile game, Spike refers to Lucky Clover's "fillyfriend.". Fic Archive Complete Audio Book Incomplete Normal Sad Adventure Shipping Comedy Crossover Random Sci-Fi Grimdark Pinkie Pie Applejack Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Rarity Spike Luna Celestia Cadance Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom Scootaloo Diamond Tiara The Great and Powerful Trixie Discord Gilda Zecora Cheerilee Derpy Hooves Daring Do . Relationships - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki Lyrabon on the other hand, there's no 2 ways around it now. Rainbow Dash appears at the beginning of My Little Pony: A New Generation as part of an imagination sequence with Sunny Starscout's figurines. The two interact further in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #34, My Little Pony Annual 2017, My Little Pony The Movie, and Beyond Equestria: Pinkie Pie Steps Up. Who does Rainbow Dash have a crush on? In The Break Up Break Down, "Cotton Sky" and Starry Eyes appear to be on a Hearts and Hooves Day date. Even in her youth, Rainbow was a fantastic flier, achieving what no other Pegasus had beforethe Sonic Rainboom, a rainbow that shot out behind her like a jet stream! A rivalry full of sexual tension combined with Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie being largely consumed by their work/personal lives. We thought it was pretty obvious , @ishiH3Art I remember having this conversation with @goldenrusset in the FIRST EQG movie. Is Rainbow Dash Human? - Great American Adventures Like, the subtext is really, really strong. MLP: FiM. He has a crush on Rainbow Dash, being able to ask her to go on a date with him when she is nominated an official Wonderbolt. He has a crush on Rainbow Dash, being able to ask her to go on a date with him when she is nominated an official Wonderbolt. Implied in The Washouts[specify] and by Jim Miller.[25][specify]. Who did spike marry . with an arrow pointing to Sandalwood's photograph. In the human world, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #1, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #2, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #3, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #4, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #5, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #6, Miss Kitty, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #7, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #8, and Lemon Squeezy are Goldie Delicious' pets.[specify], A dog appears to be "Indigo Wreath"'sduring My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Music to My Ears, and Monday Bluesand/or Fluttershy'sin MLPEG Friendship Games _Bloopers_and/or Lyra Heartstrings'at an unspecified point earlier than Epic Failsand/or Unnamed Man #9'sduring Run to Break Freepet.[specify], Calvin & Theo are Lulu Luck's pets. My Little Pony: 10 Things You Never Knew About The Ponies - Screen Rant If Rainbow Dash had a boyfriend, who do you think he'd be? The two schools compete in the Friendship Games, and Crystal Prep principal Abacus Cinch is obsessed with ensuring her own victory and continuing their school's dominance. Is the fate of Equestria really worth it?Enterplay collectible card game Absolute Discord #10 U card of Lightning Dust. Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus Pony in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. Rainbow Dash wins the duel when she suddenly transforms into her pony-like state . He lost touch with her by the following day and went on a years-long journey across Equestria to find her. However, their relationship has not been established, so it is likely that they just stayed close friends after the rest of the Mane 6 went involved with their own lives. Does fluttershy end up with discord? When any problem should arise that involves traveling to distant lands or dealing with a magical, mysterious beast, Rainbow is the first to volunteer! 6 Rainbow Dash and Applejack. In The Perfect Pear, the Apple family is revealed to have had a long-term feud with the Pear family. Alizarin Bubblegum/Celery Stalk Amethyst Star/Royal Riff Apple Crisp/Ginger Gold Aunt Holiday/Auntie Lofty Big McIntosh/Cheerilee Big McIntosh/Sugar Belle Blaze/Feather Bangs Blue Moon/North Star Bright Mac/Pear Butter Brumby Cloverpatch/Duchess Precipita Buck Withers/Lemony Gems Buffalo Bull/Cherry Jubilee Bulk Biceps/Octavia Melody Caramel/Sassaflash Caramel/Shoeshine Cherry Fizzy/Daisy Clear Sky/Quibble Pants Cosmos/Discord Cotton Sky/Starry Eyes Cranky Doodle Donkey/Matilda Curly Winds/Wiz Kid Fancy Pants/Fleur de Lis Flash Sentry/Sunset Shimmer Flash Sentry/Twilight Sparkle (Flash Sentry/Princess Twilight Sparkle Flash Sentry/Sci-Twi) Golden Harvest/Meadow Song Golden Harvest/Strawberry Cream Hoofbeard/Jewel King Sombra/Princess Celestia King Sombra/Radiant Hope Lemon Hearts/Autumn Leaf Lucky Clover/Wild Fire Lyra Heartstrings/Sweetie Drops Marble Pie/"that special somepony" Maud Pie/Mudbriar Mr. In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash, being a reserve for the Wonderbolts, is chosen as a stand in for a show if a Wonderbolt is unable to perform. It is set in a fictional location named Equestria , and the main characters include Twilight Sparkle, Spike, rainbow dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy. In Castle Sweet Castle, Rainbow perks up when Applejack mentions cider. In The Ticket Master, Rarity expresses a longing interest in Prince Blueblood, fantasizing about dancing with and marrying him. In Tanks for the Memories, Rainbow Dash displays a strong affection towards Tank, to the point where she is unwilling to accept Tank's hibernation and tries to prevent it by stopping winter, though all of her efforts fail. 6 Cartoon Couples Allowed to be Queer at the Very End Grand Pear initially disapproved and abandoned Pear Butter, but as the years passed, he began to regret despising the Apples. They fought so heatedly for her attention that she eventually turned them both down, and to this day, the Jonagold brothers still haven't reconciled. I mean that mostly in the physical proximity sense, but there's something there. For the majority of the time when Gilda is visiting Ponyville, Rainbow Dash is unaware that the griffon is being callous and rude to the other ponies, but the pranks at the party get the best of Gilda, and she loses her temper in front of Rainbow Dash. In Twilight Time, Twilight gives weekly "Twilight Time" study sessions for the Crusaders in her library. [3][4][specify], Discord refers to himself and Fluttershy as "besties" in Discordant Harmony. and answered "She set it up earlier."[24]. Learning to focus on her strengths and not her weaknesses took a while. The following day, Applejack discovered Fluttershy on the property. The Two OC's From HASCON's Raffle Were Animated in the Finale - Here They Are! :)", My Little Pony Winning Style: Stories, Activites, and Tattoos, 2eac5d_6e711ead29a246628dd67fc5b21ff7f4~mv2_d_4961_3508_s_4_2.jpg. ", In the IDW comics story arc My Little Pirate: Friendship Ahoy, pirate captain Hoofbeard enlists the Mane 6's help as he travels the seas in search of his precious "jewel". The official My Little Pony guidebook The Elements of Harmony states "SNIPS and SNAILS are two young Unicorns who are the best of friends.". In My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #9, Granny Smith tells Flim and Flam that when she was a young mare, the Jonagold brothers fawned and fought over her. High the anime's priority, but there's a real sense of history that's conveyed through the established Pro Heroes.. Yu Takeyama, better known by her alias Mt. Hey, now wait a minute! In My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic Issue #1, Chestnut Falls is the owner of and teacher at the Crystal Heart Foal Center. Here, Twilight is one of the four princesses and is married to Rainbow Dash. Just because I don't have a pet now doesn't mean I never want a pet!May the Best Pet Win! In a flashback in Where the Apple Lies, a young Big Mac appears to briefly admire Cheerilee from a distance. During The Perfect Stallion in Hearts and Hooves Day, Sweetie Belle considers Caramel as Cheerilee's "very special somepony". The two try out for the Wonderbolt Academy, and Vapor enjoys simply flying alongside Sky, but Sky is unaware that Vapor boosts his flying with her own. With this hidden talent of hers, Rainbow retains all that she learns about the history of the Wonderbolts and passes the entrance exam to join the Wonderbolts Reserves. Rainbow Dash - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki That's right. Also, she and Cheese Sandwich have gotten married and had a son, Li'l Cheese. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S9 E26 - TV Tropes Twilight frees Trixie from the amulet's corrupting influence, and they seemingly make amends. I love this story! In The Break Up Break Down, Noteworthy and "Rainbow Stars" appear to be on a Hearts and Hooves Day date. Did rainbow dash and applejack get married? - In order for the walls to be restored, Celestia and Sombra are forced to say goodbye forever. That ladder catch was the ultimate meet cute. After she assists in saving Canterlot from a dangerous threat, Inkwell becomes popular among Canterlot foals, and she is later hired to be a teacher. "[15], This disappointment is somewhat assuaged later when young Rainbow was selected to carry Cloudsdale's flag in the Equestria Games opening ceremony. In My Little Pony The Movie, Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts are in charge of weather for the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot. My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Holidays Unwrapped#Dashing Through the Mall.[specify]. Rainbow Dash represents the Element of Loyalty! In Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash is confident about her performance in the upcoming Best Young Flyer Competition until Rarity's magical butterfly wings get a lot of attention and admiration. I didn't say anything about anger! Dashie, RD, Dash, Speedy, Rainbow Crash, Rainbow Wobble, Rainbow "Danger" Dash, Rainbow "Professionalism" Dash, Zapp, Captain Awesome, Dynamic Dash, Forthright Filly, Reading Rainboom, Care Mare, Rainbow Fash, Rainbows "The Best Flyer There Ever Was" Dash, Rainbows, Daring Dash, The Dashinator, Blue Begonia, Miss Dash 'Bow, Dashinator, Rainbow Flash, The Dash, Rainbow Smash, Dashie-kins, Professor Egghead, Rd (, At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, without spoken dialogue or narration, Background appearance or an appearance where the character is not the focus, At least one appearance where the character is only in a flashback or fantasy-setting, No physical appearance, but appears in a photo, drawing, or figure, No appearance, but a mention by name or title, No appearance and no mention by name or title. In Simple Ways, Rarity has a crush on travel writer Trenderhoof, but he only has eyes for Applejack. In Spike's ending to the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending short Lost and Pound, he forms a mutual attraction with Supernova Zap's lost puppy Princess Thunder Guts. Does Twilight Sparkle have a son? - Daily Justnow Starlight says she and Sunburst did everything together and that she doesn't remember them ever being apart until now. Despite Chrysalis' attempts to convince him that it was just a ruse, Incitatus is too narcissistic to be convinced. During the race, Rainbow unknowingly carries the Mangalese Drake, an artifact stolen from the Dragon Lands, in her cart. They also appear together again briefly in Slice of Life and Discord and the Ponyville Players Dramarama. Nightmare Rainbow Dash: Ashleigh Ball is a Canadian voice actress and musician from Vancouver. ", The Root of the Problemon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #27 page 13 and Issue #28 page 21and Gameloft's mobile gameduring the "Crispins and Clover" story event and in Blackthorn's descriptionindicate that Rarity has had a crush on him.[specify]. A hedgehog is Blossomforth's pet.[28][specify]. In My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Movie Magic and Magic, Magic Everywhere![specify]. Marble Pie and Big McIntosh become friends in Hearthbreakers, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #39's Jetpack Comics convention exclusive RE cover features them together with "EEYUP" written in a heart drawn on the ground. She may only exist in Pinkie's imagination, but one thing's for sure: she hates pies with the burning passion of ten thousand suns. How had she had a crush on someone who was using her?". In Sonic Rainboom, Rarity and Princess Celestia both declare that she is the best flier in all of Equestria. Their human counterparts appear together briefly in Perfect Day for Fun. However, when Rarity meets Blueblood in The Best Night Ever, he turns out to be self-centered, selfish, and discourteous. For this character's human counterpart or the song by. At the end of May the Best Pet Win!, Tank is fitted with a propeller and flight goggles so he can fly and keep up with Rainbow Dash. In Ponyville Mysteries Issue 4, Rainbow pours cider straight from the tap into her mouth. In the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Digital Series episode Overpowered, Zephyr's human counterpart attempts to ask Rainbow Dash out on a date, but she snubs him. In Growing Up is Hard to Do, Biscuit and Spur own a Whirling Mungtooth called Bloofy. RAINBOW DASH has one great passion: flyingFAST! As the number-one flier in all Equestria, Rainbow Dash rules the skies as the Pegasus pony supreme. Yes.". Rainbow Dash has a light blue coat, magenta eyes and a Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and . Rainbow Dash is a pegasus (winged and can fly) pony. When the show traveled to Dodge Junction, Bull proposed marriage to Cherry, but Cherry panicked and ran off, leading Bull to abandon her and replace her with another Calamity Mane.