Is there a problem in practice? It is helpful to recognize the signs of experiencing a bad coach when dealing with a bad coach. Its not your parents, brothers and sisters, or your friends that you have to impress with your play, its the coach. Remember that the coachs primary responsibility is to the team. 11 Tips for Basketball Tryouts (How to Stand Out and Get Selected), How to Get a College Basketball Scholarship (11 Tips), How to Develop a High Basketball IQ (and 14 Examples), How to Get Better at Basketball in 2 Hours (10-Step Guide), 12 Simple Tactics to Get More Playing Time, How to Create a Youth Basketball Practice Plan, Parents: Please Stop Ruining Youth Sports, Zone Defense is Terrible for Youth Basketball, 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports, How to Win Every Youth Basketball Game (8 Terrible Tactics), 1-3-1 Zone Defense Complete Coaching Guide. Are there any drills I can practice on my own time?. Games are constantly won and lost by only a couple of possessions. Unfair Coach? When the Coach Doesn't Play Your Kid - Your Teen Magazine Why Parents Must Stop Coaching From The Sidelines - Basketball For Coaches It's important that parents keep their eyes open for bullying. In some cases, it can be hard to differentiate between a tough coachone who has your child's best interests in mindand a bullying coach. Each decision you make determines your future. A bullying coach may also blame others for losses or mistakes in a game, while boasting that their skills as a coach are responsible for good outcomes. When an athlete throws a fit during a performance, is argumentative with feedback, or talks down to teammates, coaches notice. Here, youll find practical tips and real-world advice on becoming a better recruit to maximize your opportunities to play at the college level. Here are some clues to look for. Here are some clues to look for. Just getting home from my game and I didnt play very much. However, your child is depending on you to stand up for what is right. 2014;133(2):273-275. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-3146, Yabe Y, Hagiwara Y, Sekiguchi T, et al. A well conditioned player that is able to go 100% mentally and physically will received more minutes than a less conditioned player of the same ability. There are coaches who are much more focused on winning than player development and will only play their best players. What height should the volleyball net be set to? garbage time, NCSA, next college student athlete, playing time, recruiting, Recruiting advice, recruiting tips, Scholarships, student-athlete, NCSA Recruiting, Clemson gets commitment from 4-star North Cobb RB David Eziomume, How to stream 2023 high school basketball playoffs, Basketball Without Borders returns to all-star weekend camp for 1st time since 2020. In a level-headed manner, have your athlete ask the coach what they can improve on, and let them know that they will work hard to get a shot at more playing time. So, it's critical that you take action. But one of the toughest and most valuable lessons is that sometimes you cant always get what you want. Be willing to do the dirty work. Coaches do play favorites. It can be far too easy to dismiss bullying behavior on the part of a coach. They just assume the coach is tough and that they should not intervene. Finally, check in on your academics. What Do You Do If You Don't Like Your Coach? - stack If you want extra minutes on the court, you should be that player. Looking to get an extra workout in? If your child wants to see more playing time they should take the initiative to set up a meeting and discuss it with their coach. Kobe Bryant said, Ill do whatever it takes to win games, whether its sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot. To his point, it takes every player to be all-in to secure a win. Every player wants more minutes on the court and most of them can probably justify why they deserve it. Sadly, bullying coaches are far too common, and yet can be easily missed. When it comes to the less concrete reasons, the pill of benching is a difficult one for a player or parent to swallow. Inside these videos, youll discover how to become an Unstoppable Playmaker. It will take time. Some coaches may not even realize what they are doing and are not trying to single out your child. There are liability concerns with allowing an athlete to play with an injury. DestinationCollege 2023: 8-Week Series Guiding Parents Through the College Admissions Process, coming to practice every day, working hard, Behind Every Teen Athlete is an Exhausted Parent, How to Keep High School Sports Fun For the Benefit of Our Teenagers, Sports Parents Are the Best Kind of Friends to Have, Just Soccer Mom Stuff: Every Moms Thoughts Before a Game. This could come in the form of a penalty at practice should the indiscretion be minor. If youre working really hard on your game then the opportunity to contribute will come at some point. Other typical reasons to have a player sit out the game is illness or injury. We know New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick has become world famous for his hard coaching style and attention to detail. Often coaches look at neck up or neck down. Its helpful to share the strategies that work at school, at home or with other activities. Some ways you can improve your fitness are through your diet, improving your sleeping habits, jumping rope, and running sprints. Promote more interactions to create better group cohesion. Be a hard worker. Stop letting every thought and doubt on the surface of your mind lead you down a hole. Its possible that despite your best efforts, the coach may not be willing or able to change her approach to help your child. Itll also help keep them on the coachs radar for the near future. But no one wants to put in the effort to hold an opposing player that averages 25 points to 10 points. Coaches love players that know their strengths and weaknesses and adjust their game accordingly. For example, you might say that because your child has listening comprehension issues, the teacher writes out instructions for him. But its worth it to see the kids improve. Just like everyone else, coaches do hold grudges and play favorites whether they like to admit it or not. Your childs coach may want to help but not know what to do. Because differences are our greatest strength. By Jason Smith, NCSA Director of Recruiting Services Coaching requires focus. The most common question I get from players is without question How do I get more playing time?. They understand that they cant shoot from outside so they dont do it. In fact, many parents overlook what is actually severely abusive behavior toward their child rather than ask the necessary questions. Follow Kirsten If something unavoidable comes up that forces you to miss practice, make sure you call your coach as soon as you can and let them know that you wont be able to attend. Encourage him to participate in something that doesnt have cuts, like track or cross-country. Some coaches even engage in gaslighting. One of the more difficult situations you may face as a parent is dealing with a coach who is a bully. Theres no right or wrong with either of those scenarios. Dont give the coach a reason to believe youre not listening. No umps when Orioles and Pirates play unneeded bottom of 9th Tohoku J Exp Med. Anything in the athletes chest, stomach, or any place below the neck typically is an indicator the athlete needs to sit out. The key here is to communicate this in a positive way. (2) Why doesn't my child play a lot or as much as ________ (a teammate). Coaches understand that its tough being a player that gets limited court time. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Try not to come off as attacking or with a victim mentality. Click here for How to Make Your Volleyball Coach Notice you, Whether you find yourself on the bench, or not, it is your game to play. For more high school stories, stats and videos, visit Adolescents and Bullying Coaches | Psychology Today People work well with routines and schedules, so set. Instead of, Why arent you playing me? a better approach would be, what can I focus on so I can get more playing time? Excuses and complaining arent going to get you more time on the court even if theyre justified. Holding the opposing teams best scorer to 15 points below their average is as beneficial to the team as you scoring 15 extra points. Asking these questions will prove to the coach that you do want to help the team and are committed to improving your game also. This may mean arriving early to practice or staying late in the gym, but the extra time they put in will help them close the gap on their teammates. Give 100% throughout every single practice and the same goes for when youre working out individually. Your email address will not be published. Many coaches take extensive training specifically to know the signs of injury and how to respond. Stay Positive, take the team-first approach. So players end up having to compete amongst their teammates for court time. In recent years, sudden cardiac arrest and concussion training in youth sports have become center stage. Bullies often go to great lengths to make others look bad. Take game shots from game spots and game speed, work on your dribbling skills, anything thats going to improve you as a player. Do you look interested in the basketball game when youre on the bench? He's moved up to this travel team and the coach does not value the qualities that he has. Makes the Referees Worse. Know that every real athlete who is worth their salt has been through adversities, doubts, frustrations, and unfairness (often in their freshman or sophomore years, in particular). The important thing to note is that while sometimes it may seem unfair, its usually quite the opposite in the eyes of the coach. Strategies that work at school may also help your childs coach work with your child. Tohoku J Exp Med. If games are constantly decided on only a couple of possessions, what coach wouldnt give a player like that extra minutes every game? As former Miami Heat star, now Director of Basketball Analytics and Development for the NBA, once put it, My job as a player was not to complain about playing time, but to play so well that the coach cant sit me.. Coaches need to hear how your childs learning and thinking differences may affect performance. Bullying coaches also might engage in social exclusion. 11. Young people who are being bullied - do they want general practice support. In this case, find a lesson in the negativity. Although the reason varies for being benched, it is essential to know how to deal with a lousy coach and ask for playing time. To further prove the point, this is why some big men who cant make a shot outside of the paint to save themselves often lead the league in shooting percentage. Youll also want them to be a good teammate and support everyone on the roster. Coaches, we recommend you share this with your entire team in order to pro-actively address this common issue. Perhaps run your speech by a parent or trusted friend. If you see a lot of blame-shifting, that's a telltale sign of a bullying coach. You may have been an elite club or varsity level athlete and have continued playing in a competitive recreational league.