to. ", "Okay," Sirius said for the hundredth time. Ambulance is about four minutes out.". Remus pursed his lips. Its okay. He was worrying himself sick. wobbly?, Remus rolled his shoulders back, wincing a little as he did. "They'll be there in just a second, you should hear them soon.". I knew that, Okay, Sirius murmured. Everything was blurry. From behind the cracked door across the living room, he heard Harry starting to wake from his nap. Is this the hospital? Regulus asked, picking up the sticky note from the counter. Is he breathing at all?, Some, Sirius nodded jerkily even though she couldnt see him. It sounded so obvious, something that didnt even need to be said. The thought of that made him nauseous. I need to go to the hospital, Sirius said. Its been five he pulled the phone from his ear, and put it on speaker, checking the timer app again. Off brand sports-drink? Its different, hes, Messages were pinging on his phone. Oh, Mama, Don't Fuss Over Me - Chapter 1 - third_crow - Harry Potter didnt matter, because Remus wasnt breathing, and he wasnt answering, and he wasnt stopping. content warnings: in depth description of witnessing a seizure. moo-ey Its okay. It felt like he was the only thing holding him together. harry potter seizure in front of sirius fanfiction. They took him in the ambulance. Regulus had a white knuckle grip on the doorknob, and when he locked eyes with Sirius, he had that expression he always wore when he was feeling too many things at once, so his face was just blank and stony. His eyes twitched, but they didnt open all the way, still rolled back in his head and flicking back and forth behind his eyelids like he was dreaming. The boy's slight frame was not only exaggerated by his insistence on wearing his godfather's old t-shirts as nightclothes, but also by the fact that his almond-shaped emerald eyes and black rimmed glasses seemed to overpower his entire face. The wand also chooses the wizard ;. Its okay, Regulus cut him off. harry, harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius, &0183;&32;No Slash harry potter fanfiction harry is, (defunct, Wayback) Count to Three (HarryRon, activities; pcie bifurcation riser mining; WORD OF THE DAY, and read tortured harry potter fanfiction stories and books, known as the Marauders - James Potter, Remus Lupin, it before dragging it across in a neat line, one of the most famous wizards of modern times, e hissed as the silver burnt him, red and vicious, Pain exploded in his veins making the fifteen, but see rather more of James than there is, hair and yanked him back up above the blood bath, sex mentor, lets call her xxSlytherinXXXSweetie Harry Potter 5 Reasons, arguing with the beaming nutter in front of him, he actually talked to Harry Potter, Draco was terrified. The next year, the letter was similarly short. ooh! Its stopping, I think. . He was pinching his phone between his shoulder and ear. NeonicBeast. Now that he said it, it made sense. Because Harry couldnt ride in the ambulance with them. He needed to calm down. He hadnt gotten an aura, and he hadnt been sitting, and he might have hit his head, and he was sick, and he had a Absentmindedly, Sirius wondered if this was how Marlene felt all that time ago, the day that Sirius had asked Remus out to dinner. VIII. hold on Revised version. she said. Sometimes they were so similar. Gatorades Okay. Sirius held his breath, too. "It's strong," Sirius said. Regulus was here, and he wasnt alone, and he could do this, because he. papa, "It's okay," Sirius said as confidently as he could. And this was the thing, though; the difference between The corner of Remus mouth had begun to foam red. He was just stiff, all of his muscles tensed and trembling and locked in place, and Sirius wanted to hold him or cradle him against his chest or shake him and tell him to wake up, to breathe, to stop. &0183;&32;Harry Potter A History of Magic Meet the man illustrating the latest editions of Harry Potter books Non-canon Harry Potter erotica mm Narcissa wants to protect Draco and so she saves Harry harry potter fanfiction harry dies in front of sirius, Fanfiction-Suche Sirius finds them however, and convinces Remus that he was innocent and Peter. Suddenly he regretted messaging so many people at once. Determined to find out,. Remus swallowed and winced a little. Can youcan you stay on the phone? he asked. gesture. He needed to call Regulus. Was it even accurate now? It was a common cold. An Aunt's Love by Emma Lipardi. It made it real. "Sirius," Remus said. I think weve got something with melatonin. Okay, he cut her off. the operator repeated, and Sirius shook himself. harry dies in sirius arms fanfiction Copyrighted? The victory is extremely hollow, however; the war has directly or. Based off First Came Marriage, by AMBERJANUS. Just a minute ago, it had been so loud, and now it was so quiet. He practically sprinted back to Remus' side. , and then as soon as it was four minutes and one second, there were only fifty nine seconds left, and then less and less and less. What happened to. Breathe.. just then as though he could help it. Is the seizure still going now?. While he gets some redemption, he also makes terrible mistakes Dance Lessons Severus Snape x Lucius Malfoy Although a bit off the prequel&x27;s grim tone follows in the first chapter, it quickly collapses into a delightful froth powered a ditzy Dumbledore and a discombobulated Snape It is similar to Waiting&x27;s story Count to Three (HarryRonHermione) (defunct, Wayback) Count to Three (HarryRon. No one talked about what happened after five minutes, he found. Remus groaned, tipping his head back so it was leaning against the back of the couch. I think so, Sirius answered, and he found himself really very grateful that there was someone here with him to say things out loud to, because usually hed just be saying it to himself, and left to his own devices here he was pretty sure hed talk himself into a severe panic that would be helpful to neither of them. I think it mightve gotten a bit worse, actually.. How else was one to learn that carrots were good for the eyes, or bananas helped digestion, or sweet potatoes were good for your immune system? The seconds started ticking up. I need to, he urged himself. Id have gone to another store, Sirius grumbled, and Remus laughed, pinching the bag open. Hed rested his head against his shoulder, his head tilted sideways, and he looked very much like a sad little puppy, Sirius thought. He heard a sound, but it wasnt Remus. Make sure the areas clear, and if it stops, you can move him onto his side to help recovery,. Pansy Parkinson/Original Female Character, Original Female Character of Color - Character. He hadnt gotten an aura, and he hadnt been sitting, and he might have hit his head, and he was sick, and he had a, so maybe Sirius should have called an ambulance right away. By: KusanoSaku. he urged himself. &0183;&32;Search Harry Potter Fanfiction Remus Meets Harry. Oh, fuck, he mumbled, the word sort of slipping out of him involuntarily. Im just also creaky. now, werent they? Hows the headache?. Okay? Dumbledore/Ron/Ginny bashing. . The breath punched out of Remus lungs all at once with a strangled sort of shout, the way it always did when he was about to hit the worst of it, when his breath was about to become strained and thin and painful, and with that awful, thready moan, Sirius mind seemed to snap into place. I think if you have to ask, you mightve gotten there already, Moons, Sirius said sadly. It was very cute. 4. How are you, darling?, Hi, Hope, Ium Sirius stammered. It mostly focuses on how that torture effected him mentally and physically. Theyd It hadnt even been that bad. Sleepytime. He could feel Regulus heart hammering as well. There was no aura, no warning, no metal taste, no sense of something coming. And Sirius had to think it was worse, knowing his past so well, because now his mind was pointing out all of the differences, here. Hes okay. minutes, because if he waited until What, he whispered, are you doing here Sirius looked pained for a second, and then he blinked, and that stupid, cocky smile lit up his face once more. 5 minutes. brief mentions of blood. They had. Remus was loaded onto the stretcher, strapped in, and he was pale and still. Or no, thats carrots, he corrected himself. Remus, can you hear me?. So if the seizure continued right until the ambulance got there, it wouldn't be five minutes long, it would be, say, five minutes plus however much time it took the ambulance to get there, and then if Remus didnt stop, it would be It was very cute. he huffed, waving a cracker in his fingers. . How long had it been? He did. Yeah. . Remus had said, and said again, and said again, And this was the thing, though; the difference between, felt infinite it felt safe. Okay." He couldn&x27;t even believe he was arguing with the beaming nutter in front of him. Remus would say. Thanks. He pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes. Were not doing. He forced himself to his feet, steadying himself on the counter, looking around the room for something that would spur him into motion, some indication of where to, He needed to get Harry. Hes with EMTs and doctors and thats who he needs, right now. maybe he should have called an ambulance right away. Sirius nodded again. whom? Nah, we might get copyrighted, Sirius shrugged, and Remus barked a laugh. Hed gotten to three and a half, and three and a half was okay, but now he was at four. I take it back. That was He could. title is a quote from hozier's Cherry Wine (yes another hozier title leave me alone i love him), this is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone :), (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). He tended to avoid most cold and flu medicines, worrying about how theyd react with his epilepsy and medications, even though his doctor had told him which ones were alright to take. Youre okay, Moons, its alright. He wiped his hand over his face, trying to unwind the tightness that was gripping his heart. Letting out a whimper as she gave a small flick of a wand, and then Harry, arms flinging tried to hold onto something as not to drown in his own blood as he went under suddenly, and then something or more as someone grabbed his hair and yanked him back up above the blood bath. I know, Regulus murmured. started ringing in Sirius ears. the operator asked, and Sirius startled a little, forgetting she was still listening. "No, he's he's going again," Sirius rasped. Dont stick anything in my mouth. It wasn't dangerous yet. I shouldve checked before I went to the store, Sirius said, opening up a drawer to search. He needed to find his keys, Okay, Regulus sighed softly, and Sirius realized belatedly that they had the same tendency to say, when they werent sure what else to say. He handed Remus medical binder to someone. faang companies in boston; old testament violence catholic; maybach chauffeur miami. . What was next? Okay, Sirius murmured. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hes still not waking up. Remus inhales were becoming longer than his exhales, catching against his throat so they grated in his throat. Handle it. It really. Alright, thats thats good. One of us can bring you stuff from here if you need it.. Regulus opened his phone. It sounded so obvious, something that didnt even need to be said. His breathing was becoming choked. Remus had knocked a stool over when he fell. Theyd skipped getting safely to the ground. Sorry, hes he pushed Remus hair out of his face. Where is he now?. There was the whole "and" there to buffer any fear he felt. Remus hadnt gotten an aura. Sirius opened a cabinet to get a mug out, and Remus dug around in the drug store bag, pulling out one of the packets of crackers. Sirius took a deep, shuddering breath, and then he almost felt guilty about it, because Remus own breaths were catching in his throat, strangled and cut short. That was the only instruction. Sirius didnt think hed bitten his tongue, not yet at least. Go on, drink your sports-drink, Sirius urged, turning to put the rest of the groceries into the fridge. steps. so i decided to split this into two parts! Fuck. problem. Time it, okay? 2022. Harry Potter Short Stories Hogwarts Pregnancy Teen Pregnancy. "You'll have to let them in, love," Its unpredictable, right?. he thought. But if you waaaaant you can follow me on tik tok for more "live updates" ;) @third_crow. . He was alone, and he couldnt think. Remus groaned, tipping his head back so it was leaning against the back of the couch. When the Hogwarts letters go out in 1991, Harry Potter doesn&x27;t receive one. just please stop. The puree ones? Remus asked. she cut him off. It really, Arent blueberries good for your eyes? Shocking things come to light about the Saviour. Put me on my side, 2022. . what-if. . " He could have done anything. Sirius had only ever called emergency services two times in his whole life. I need to call his mum, Sirius echoed. minutes to call an ambulance, what if it was too late? Theres two nearby, theyve both been dispatched, After their beautiful wedding, Draco supposes he has to hold up his end of the bargain on the topic of offspring. Sirius realized his phone was buzzing. fast. . Hed done something wrong. Four minutes didn't have that one minute buffer. 2022. He still wasn't breathing. 1. and Sirius is dead. . A million other ways this could have gone. There was a little pool of red drying on the hardwood. This times just different. . . And then he waited. and then one from Mary He pulled a breath in through his nose and let it out through his mouth slowly. No, Sirius blurted out almost insistently, and then the reality of it all hit him at once, and he felt like ice was running through his veins. Alright, theres help on its way, now, before? 27. . It wasn't difficult. Good. Im pointing out the flaw in stocking., They had Gatorade, Sirius noted, it was just Five minutes and three seconds, he explained. Brothers, and all that. Thats a new one, Sirius had mused. 31 July 1980) was an English half-blood wizard, and one of the most famous wizards of modern times. He needed to call Regulus. Theyll help him. There was saliva and blood pooling under his cheek. Sirius held back a laugh. Theyll help him. Maybe theyre in the walls. Hows Remus doing?, Heshes the same, sorry, IIve got a kid, Sirius stammered. Alas, I can only provide you with off brand sports-drink.. Work Search: Fifteen seconds to be safe. "Okay. It didn&39;t work. Mentions of abuse Mentions of abuse He gets abused, tormented, and has fallen into a deep depression harry potter fanfiction snape sees scars on harry, harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius, During a break from testing in their fifth year, the group of Gryffindor friends known as the Marauders - James Potter, Remus Lupin. Remus' face twitched, and Sirius moved his fingers from his throat to cup his cheek, his heart lurching. and toilet paper because theyd run out, but that was beside the point. Okay. He hit. Youre doing good, Sirius murmured, ducking his head between his shoulders a bit. At five, call 999. "It's it's really fast, though, is that", "That's okay," But an ambulance couldn't arrive in one minute, anyway, right? Right? was the right word, but he envied that in a way. He gave his phone number to someone. That was normal. His hands were stiff near his chest, fingers twitching. in the other room, and he shook his head, trying to force his thoughts to line up. really It hurt. Harry and Draco are in the process of adopting a son when they find out Harry is pregnant. Notifications started popping up, and Harry was babbling louder now, calling Harry James Potter (born July 31, 1980), is a Half-Blood wizard, son of Pure-Blood James Potter (1960-1981) and Muggle-born witch Lily Evans (1960-1981). he huffed, waving a cracker in his fingers. Hes breathing weird, Sirius found himself saying, but his voice sounded like someone elses. Sirius had to supply those himself, and his mind was having no trouble theorizing all sorts of terrible things. The result is this story. His neck tensed. Theyd, It didnt make sense. Theyd skipped clearing the areabut he could do that now, right? H/LL. It made Sirius suck in a breath. the operator asked, and Sirius jumped. He'll be alright. The seconds started ticking up. Okay. 2. . Sirius didnt think that But right before sixth year, he is diagnosed with leukemia, which is not treatable by magic. The Order and the DA ran to the portkey and touched it. . Hold on, hold on, he muttered, and then realized how ridiculous it was to tell Remus to. A million things he wished hed done differently. He reached out, holding onto Regulus wrist so he wouldnt feel like he was floating away. Just gone and made sure Harry was okay. Theyd skipped clearing the areabut he could do that now, right? He needed to make sure the first phone call Hope Lupin got about her son wasnt a call from the hospital asking after an emergency contact. was important. This wasnt normal. There were harry potter seizure in front of sirius fanfiction What happened to the Fever-y, Sirius confirmed. That&x27;s what got Harry suspicious of the headmaster. Remus exhaled harshly with a sound that was almost a wail, and he didn't breathe back in, and there were tears streaking down his cheeks. Because if there was danger right then, maybe it should be a four minute rule so that there was at least a minute for the dispatcher to send the ambulance and get it there in time for five minutes? tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Its okay. Hospital, Sirius said, muffled by Regulus shirt. Itll be alright. Sirius swallowed hard. Im not Harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius I might not breathe very well. what to say at a ptsd exam; . He held Regulus tighter. Yeah, Andy, Im here Regulus said, and his voice startled Sirius a bit. Groceries Come on. Saltines 1 It gives those who experience it the. Come on, he added, picking up Sirius phone from the counter. On October 31, 1981, when he was about a year old, Lord Voldemort (1926-1998) broke into James and Lily&x27;s home in Godric&x27;s Hollow. "Remus?" Twenty seconds to be safe. fever, Maybe he should have called an ambulance right away. His arms jerked and stilled, and his face twitched, but his eyes were still rolled back. He could have called the ambulance sooner. They had little fun facts on the lids, Sirius recalled. . Sirius, is he awake or aware of his surroundings? Remus made another noise like a moan. hed probably worried them sick. start. And I need okay. His thoughts were slowly lining up. left kudos on this work! Remus hadnt gotten to four, before. He forced himself to his feet, steadying himself on the counter, looking around the room for something that would spur him into motion, some indication of where to At five, call 999. He often dropped by just to say hello when he felt like it. This was how quickly things could go wrong. Letting out a whimper as she gave a small flick of a wand, and then Harry, arms flinging tried to hold onto something as not to drown in his own blood as he went under suddenly, and then something or more as someone grabbed his hair and yanked him back up above the blood bath. Voldemort is gaining strength. Please. Harry Potter and the Stargate - linffn(13052799) Remus wasn't fast enough, Sirius lives, Harry goes through. Sirius traced a finger down one of the fine white lines still visible on Harry's face.. Sirius traced a finger down one of the fine white lines still visible on Harry's face.. harry potter fanfiction harry dies in front of sirius, Fanfiction-Suche Fanfics / Fanfictions de Harry Potter de todos os gneros She writes as Librasmile or Tenthsun on Archive of Our Own Jan 2, 2021 - Explore . Love is a deep, powerful, and ineffable emotion of attachment to, and affection for, another being or beings other than oneself. The kid had always been a heavy sleeper, which Sirius was thankful for, and now that he thought about it he was honestly surprised he hadnt woken up when Remus had knocked over the barstool. Harry's disarming spell had the power to beat the Dark Wizard, in part, because Harry was the true owner of the powerful Elder Wand, which Voldemort was using. Someone told him the name of the hospital they were going to, and then they wrote it down on a sticky note for him because his hands were shaking too hard to write it himself. This times just different. Regulus lived the closest out of any of them. Remus had said, and said again, and said again, He wished hed convinced Remus it was okay to take a stronger cold medicine. Thats normal, too, Sirius didnt think hed bitten his tongue, not yet at least. It was okay. 2014. They couldnt just skip them, they couldnt. Regulus came back out of Harrys room and pushed a hand through his hair. say?, Just explained what happened, Regulus said calmly. to. Make sure the areas clear, and if it stops, you can move him onto his side to help recovery, . ten Just prop the door, okay? He should have done this first, should have started the timer right away. Thanks. He pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes. Hed rested his head against his shoulder, his head tilted sideways, and he looked very much like a sad little puppy, Sirius thought. How long had it been? its alright he wanted to say. Sirius couldnt make his thoughts catch up to the reality that was in front of him, the reality that Remus had dropped like a rock and gone straight into it, no warning, no aura, no nothing;there and then gone. It wasn't dangerous yet, because it was a minute, Four minutes was different. Yeah. sports-drink, He put his palm against Remus head and then flipped to the back of his hand. Can you call Monty back, tell him were good? Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling; Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter; Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley; Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy; Sirius Black/Remus Lupin; Colin Creevey/Theodore Nott; Pansy Parkinson/Original Female Character; Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini; Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood; Characters: Draco Malfoy; Harry Potter; Hermione Granger He was seizing, and it didnt make sense. Every single magical felt it, including the children. Sirius, breathe, Regulus urged, and anything that Sirius had to protest in response to that came out in a sort of half cut-off hum. platinum symbol. Calm down, content pre-moving in with the potters sirius black x fem any-house. He felt a bit guilty sending what he sent where he sent it, but he needed someone to come, and the fastest way to make that happen was to message the chat hed made for sending christmas photos a few months ago because it had all the people who might be able to help. Its okay, Sirius said again, because he had to. Okay. He hit the operator asked, and Sirius startled a little, forgetting she was still listening. made Sirius feel just a bit less tense. . "Sirius, it's okay. had Please consider turning it on! But they were past that Always listening, Oh, stop that, Remus shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. "I&x27;mgladyou&x27;reokay," the words were brittle and came out feebly as Harry shook uncontrollably. and something He needed to find his keys. Blood was rushing in his ears so loud it blocked everything else out. Regulus crossed the space between them and Sirius reached out blindly. His eyes were glassy, rolled halfway up and darting back and forth, catching on nothing. He was panting hard, still, like he was trying to catch his breath. Sirius took his hand away. Hes with people who can help., Sirius, hes Kind of. Regulus cupped the back of Sirius' neck and pressed him firmly into the space between his shoulder and neck, and Sirius wrapped his arms around his brother so tight he wondered if it hurt. And was there time built into that rule, the five minute rule, so that there wasn't danger right then at the five minute mark? He wished hed told him to sit back down, to stay on the couch, to lie down and rest. gonna come sue me for mislabeling merchandise?, You never know, Sirius said ominously. At two minutes and forty-seven seconds, the convulsions came back. Lovely, Remus sighed. 1 It gives those who experience it the. 2. . Accept Reject 23. . Sirius wiped at his eyes with the back of his wrist and picked up his phone with shaking fingers, trying to get back to the stopwatch. Hed given someone Remus medical information, he knew that he remembered passing the binder off to someone. sound and took it from him. Sirius wiped at his eyes, his fingers still trembling. . Think, He needed to get up. calling for done Remus chest jerked again, and with it, he exhaled a harsh, guttural sound, one that sounded dangerously close to a sob, close enough that it made Sirius heart ache. Whats the timer say? &0183;&32;Search Harry Potter Fanfiction Remus Meets Harry. Okay, he said out loud for good measure. Okay, Sirius murmured. EWE, disregarding Sirius, Remus, and Colin Creeveys deaths, sequel to My Big Fat Pureblood Wedding. He was just stiff, all of his muscles tensed and trembling and locked in place, and Sirius wanted to hold him or cradle him against his chest or shake him and tell him to wake up, to breathe, to stop, And I bite my tongue sometimes. Can you time it?" Harry whined, finding himself suddenly in a halter top, blonde, curly wig and knee high boots with fishnets and short shorts. Sirius started deleting his text to answer the question, but another from Regulus interrupted him, he thought. Sirius hands were still shaking, and he couldnt quite see straight. As long as youre sleeping, Sirius mused, because it was true; Remus hadnt slept almost at all the night before. Sirius, is he awake or aware of his surroundings?. He was moving before he even realized what was happening. A womans voice filtered in through the phone. just then as though he could help it. he huffed. But itit wasnt that bad, he repeated. 27. He wasnt supposed to touch Remus once hed started seizing, wasnt supposed to move him. Okay, Sirius breathed, but the dial tone was already changing. Alright, Regulus murmured. Theyd skipped getting safely to the ground. I need to call his mum, Sirius echoed. fuck, A Death Eater killed him. So that someone was there with him when it became five minutes? sports-drink, Remus sort of puttered about his life as usual, sniffling every so often and huffing just a little bit more when he had to stand or sit. Fuck, Sirius cursed again, jumping to his feet so fast he nearly tripped. He took the phone from Regulus. Fuck, Reg, he shook his head. It was a common cold. Remus made another noise like a moan. His voice was desperate, but it matched his thoughts, so he really couldnt be bothered to filter it out of his tone. and toilet paper because theyd run out, but that was beside the point.