Dear God of mercy, show him that life is full of joy and happiness. Weve abused it many times because of our own sinful nature. Provide me the clarity to see the lies. Use me as a vessel to show the world how good you are, Lord. Today, I refuse to do this on my own. May they find fulfillment in you and not in drugs. St. Jude Thaddeus, holy apostle, courageous martyr and faithful witness to Christ, you preached the Good News of Jesus Christ to distant nations and through the power of his message brought many people to faith in Jesus. Uniting our hardships with Christ's suffering at Calvary can be a great way to atone for our sins as well as those of others. But the most common addictions are those to alcohol, drugs and pills. Give me the strength to say no and turn my eyes heavenward. Open their eyes to the truth and rescue from the prison of addiction. Lord, so many people are struggling with addiction out there, but very few of them are ready to come out and ask for help because of the way society treats drug addicts. News stations and newspapers report the damage and destruction. I pray a special blessing upon them, Father, as they call upon You with broken hearts. If so, please share them with the CIR community in the comments section below! Isaiah 38:16 Lord, by such things people live; and my spirit finds life in them too. And this is the victory that has overcome the worldour faith." Jesus overcame the world so that you, because of your belief in Him, will also overcome this addiction. Prayer is the first line of defense and an act of last resort. I want to drink, and I can't stop. Hear the prayers we offer for our sick brother/sister. Your time spent in a Eucharistic Holy Hour with our Lord is more important than you may realize! 0. Published in Living Faith. Hear us, Lord of life. May 29, 2017 Strengthen me when the temptation to use drugs comes and protect me when I am helpless. God of mercy, we bless You in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who ministered to all who come to Him. They help people to avoid dealing with their problems. The ten were held in an underground bunker without food or water. Deliver me and help me to become a testimony among those who know me. Grant patient understanding and a love that perseveres to those who care for them. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. They might be the result of a person trying to escape the reality. The Holy Spirit is the best Counselor and Comforter (John 14:26). You are my strength; come quickly to help me ( Psalm 22:19 ). Because a prayer is a conversation with God. All Rights Reserved. He made the appeal in his November prayer intention, shared with an accompanying video on Nov. 3. It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. Christ also desires unity. The cross you carried for my sake, So that I may better carry mine. Here is a look at some great prayers for addiction and healing that will surely lift your spirits up. He was born in a cave to die on a cross between two thieves. Compassion Prayer O Lord Jesus, you were compassionate towards those that came to you for healing, and since you never change, I ask you to be compassionate towards me. Offer all that baggage up to our Lord. We ask in the name of Jesus, that you be with each person who is struggling with addictionwhether it be alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, foodsometimes it's more than one at a time. Leader: While our Lord's sacrifice on the Cross at Calvary paved the way for our journey to Heaven, Jesus didn't promise any of us that the road leading there wouldn't be treacherous at times. These prayers pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary for all the sufferings she endured with her Divine Son for our salvation. When the urge to use drugs overcomes me, let your grace be sufficient for me to fight against such thoughts. This prayer to Christ the King helps us see more clearly who's really in charge in our lives! 2023 OUR CATHOLIC PRAYERS She is a recovering food addict (embracing the slogan, If you cant stop at one, have none!), an avid knitter, and a lover of God. As they start the recovery journey, let them do it from the point of victory and rest, knowing that Jesus has already set them free, and they are victorious in him. When he was 28 he resolved to never drink again and maintained abstinence until his death, 41 years later. Grace Prayer Lord Jesus, let your grace be upon me as I start this journey of getting clean from drugs. Prayers to Guide Your Recovery. Prayer For Deliverance from Pornography addiction | Holy Land Prayer We will print and place your prayer request on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Christ' body was laid down after being removed from the crucifix and prepared for burial. Suite 550 You promise always to be near. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 2. This can help speed up progress in counseling, or even bring an instant miracle! God, please help me through this difficult time. Though he spent some time as a missionary in Asia, he spent most of his adult life spreading a devotion to Mary. Bring him into Your light and let him find true freedom in You. She began her website and blog, Living One Word, to share how God redeems even the most broken lives. A Prayer for Drug Addicts #3. There are Saints who have gone before us that can help us in our difficulties. One of the first steps can be prayer. Especially now, let Our Lord help turn yours down! Lord, hear our prayer. Nonetheless, God in His providence often allows us to go through periods of great anxiety and suffering, just as He did in his Passion out of love for us, for our greater good and His glory. Satan, the father of lies as our Lord referred to him once (John 8:44), tries to play on our weaknesses, our doubts and fears, even in good times, much less in the bad! Some of these prayers may be adapted for use outside of Mass. Amen. Prayer for healing of Addiction by K (Tx) Lord, I pray for forgiveness in all my grevious faults and in what I have done and what I have failed to do. Your deposits can help you, your loved ones, or people you dont even know attain salvation and Eternal Life! Dear Lord, give strength to his loved ones, family and friends. Our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Our selections here include Prayers for Offering Up Suffering, Prayers in Times of Financial Difficulties, and A Special Prayer in Time of Tribulation. Therefore, say this prayer as often as you can. I cannot stop this desire on my own. The person who is suffering from the illness of alcohol or substance abuse deserves our compassion, support and prayers. Bring healing to those who are enduring pain. An addict must reach a place where the desire to be healed is more powerful than the addiction. St. Michael's famous cry against Lucifer before winning the battle against him is quite timely these days when God has been cast aside by so many of us! He tells us in our suffering from every crucifix, in effect, Ive been there, and Im here with you now. Indeed, Christ suffers with us in all the sins of the world. Do you feel lost? One of the men selected cried out, My wife! Saint Mark Ji, who had his prayer for martyrdom answered, has his feast day on July 7th. Amen. Heal them Father and help them to walk in freedom. Saint Charles Borromeo (1538-1584) is recommended for those struggling with overeating (though there is no evidence he actually struggled with overeating). Prayers in difficult times can help soothe and save souls. The Purpose of Catholic Prayers for Alcoholics Catholic prayers for alcoholics are designed to help their spirit and their body. (Think of this like paying to fix a window you or someone else broke! St. Paul wrote of our needing a shield of faith in fighting the Evil One as part of the armor of God. Her new book, A Rescued Life, is now available on Amazon. For all of those struggling with addiction and substance abuse, that God may be their strength and support, we pray. My help comes from You, who made all things (Psalm 121). The Pope had already selected an intention for this month: ' that those suffering from addiction may be helped and accompanied'. which God has promised to those who love him. She lives in Arkansas and while writing she is surrounded by her six rescue dogs who are usually sleeping. In Jesus name, I believe and pray. Amen. For Those Who Work in Catholic Health Care, Prayer Service for those Suffering from Addiction. Our rebellious nature against Gods Commandments comes from our first Parents, Adam and Eve who, having disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, left us all tainted by Original Sin (except for the Blessed Virgin Mary). Lord, hear our prayer. At your wits end? Do you want help, but not sure where to start? After two weeks, only Maximillian remained. Spread your wings of love that I may find refuge in you when the effects of withdrawal are intense. Do not be far from me. Pray it daily and let God flood your heart with his infinite love and mercy. Draw Them Out Prayer Father in heaven, your children, have drifted away from your path. Forgive me for making drugs my god, and walk with me in my journey to recovery. Use these prayers to help you face the challenges of recovery. ), 2023 OUR CATHOLIC PRAYERS Please break the chains of addiction and set him free. ), PRAYER TO SAINT JAMES BY POPE JOHN-PAUL II. Pain has its own volume. May all who suffer pain, illness, or. We ask this through Christ our Lord. For those who are recovering from addiction, l let us prayer to the Lord. Reader: The addictions have different roots. Amen. Amends must be made for them. Daily Readings for Friday, March 03, 2023, St. Katharine Drexel: Saint of the Day for Friday, March 03, 2023, Lenten Prayer: Prayer of the Day for Monday, February 27, 2023. Catholic in Recoveryis a nonprofit ministry that seeks to serve those suffering from addiction and unhealthy attachments. Saint Max, as he is affectionately known in my household, was a Franciscan Friar in Poland. There will be setbacks some days, and at other times there will be great strides toward overcoming addiction. Give him the strength to realize that he sinned and he needs Your forgiveness. Especially now, let Our Lord help turn yours down! for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, May they stop looking at themselves as addicts and see themselves as victors. Lord, hear our prayer. General Prayers Prayer for One Suffering from an Addiction St. Jude Thaddeus, holy apostle, courageous martyr and faithful witness to Christ, you preached the Good News of Jesus Christ to distant nations and through the power of his message brought many people to faith in Jesus. Stopping is the hardest thing they will ever attempt. May he not suffer your foot to slip; may he slumber not who guards you: Indeed he neither slumbers nor sleeps, the guardian of Israel. The Pope's March 2023 prayer intention, disseminated by the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer), is "we pray for those who have suffered harm from members of the Church . He was never able to overcome his addiction, but Ji continued to grow in faith and holiness. Here is a list we put together of 41 of the most encouraging Bible verses about addiction: 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. Catholic Online Prayers - thousands of prayers. God of mercy, we bless you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who ministered to all who came to him. You are merciful, kind, and compassionate. God our Father, your Son accepted our sufferings to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Enfold them in your love and restore them to the freedom of God's children. They are not part of my life now. Another way to draw closer to that healing is through a life devoted to prayer, daily opening up our hearts to God and asking him to come down to heal us. -. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. In 1900, Ji and most of his family were arrested and killed during the Boxer Rebellion in China. Almighty God, You said in your Word that You will never leave us nor forsake us. St. Michael's famous cry against Lucifer before winning the battle against him is quite timely these days when God has been cast aside by so many of us! Lord, I cant do it alone. Lord, I surrender every person that is struggling with addiction into your hands. You can read more from Tamela at, on Facebook, and Instagram. Save me from trackless deserts of drug addiction, and please replace my desire for drugs with your love. Transform pain into comfort I can provide to others. Lord, let them understand the hope to which you have called them. Addiction comes in many different forms and affects people from all walks of life. Touch is an important part of prayer and devotion in the Philippines, even if a devotee . I am being tempted by God, 3 Ways Satan Is Deceiving Today's Culture, 4 Reasons Christian Singles Are Tired of the Dating Scene, How You Can Have Eternal Life Through the Cross of Jesus Christ, A Powerful Morning Prayer to Start Each Day, National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), Prayers from the Bible to Guide Your Prayer Time. We may wish that He would calm our storms by just saying quiet, be still, as He once did to calm the wind and the waves (Mark 4:39). In your infinite mercy, bring peace and comfort to those of us who face days sometimes filled with pain and depression. Whether you are suffering from an addiction or are seeking some spiritual healing and deliverance from Christ, it is always best to devote some daily time to prayer. Give them an appetite for healing and restoration, not darkness and chains. Break the chains of addiction in pieces and bring me out of my gloom and darkness. Lord, you know how I feel every moment when I think of (Name Here). Saint Maximillian Kolbes feast day is August 14th. If you are not sure what to pray for your loved one, here is a prayer for loved ones affected by addiction. It's FREE! In Jesus name, I believe and pray. I keep going back to my struggle, and this leaves me feeling condemned. Lord uphold them with your righteous right hand that they may stand firm and get clean. This reflection on a Christmas novena can help you feel and share His love! Open my heart to Your healing power. Catholic Online Saints - thousands of saints bios. Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for Your never-ending mercy and love. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Catholic Prayer For Strength To Overcome Addiction : 3 Irritating Things Ladies Hate To Hear From A Man. An hour before it was to start, I learned of . When it feels like we have no strength to carry on, we can trust in His power to keep going. Oh Lord, show compassion to (Name), Celeste is a wife, mother, and grandmother living in Louisianas Cajun Country. Addiction healing is messy and painful as the above prayer admits, but through prayer and endurance, healing does come. We start first with this well-known prayer Our Lady taught the three.