Youll more easily feel what others feel and pick up on energy from your environment. "Vibrational Flu": high temperatures, night sweats, aching bones and joints, neck pains, flu-like symptoms Occasional sinus issues: sneeze attacks, runny nose or sore throat that is not a cold or allergy Mental confusion, difficulty concentrating Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. My faith in my ability to accomplish this goal wavers. With considered insight comes the ability to consciously choose and shift your patterns to a higher energy flow. This is the guide for everyone wishing to hone their understanding of the link between energy, planetary movements and the growth of your being. When you choose an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist at Ascension sites of care, you get a doctor who is part of an integrated national network of care. Kundalini Activation: Purifying kundalini energies begin to move to release all remaining, dense, trapped energies. The third eye is the chakra located between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition and psychic ability. Home One great cosmic cycle completed and thrust us all into preparation for the fourth and fifth dimensional reality to come online. When the ascension process starts, there are so many changes that occur in the body. Eustachian tube blockage is one of the causes of ear barotrauma. You may even have a deep epiphany or profound moment of clarity after experiencing the ear ringing. Ear ringing, including increased frequency or volume in ear ringing. Im talking being very aware of past life trauma effecting his present situations, remembering his past lives, seeing things and beings that others cannot physically see, and feeling fear based on external stimuli (for him the alarms that go off in his neighborhood trigger deep fears that his parents might get killed), which are triggers of the past life trauma hes experienced. Medical professionals have ruled out diseaseexcept for a few blips, Im quite healthy. Ive created an effective Guided Meditation just for Recalibrating Your Body. Is this for real? Concentrating on relaxing the body and using focused breathing techniques will also ease some of the head and crown pressure and discomfort whenever experienced. We, as the collective consciousness, are experiencing this together, though everyone has their own time frame of how it shows up for them, and how they experience their journey. Current Ascension Symptom ~ Heightened Ringing in the Ears and More September 14, 2017 Many people have reported an increase in what the medical profession calls tinnitus ringing sounds and buzzing sounds in the Ear or both ears. Dont get caught up in the shadow side of the Left Brain downward spiral . inner ear clicking, high-pitched ringing, pressure like when you change altitude, hearing non-physical voices and . Increased telepathy and psychic powers - As your inner sight opens and clears (your third eye) your telepathic abilities (sending and receiving energy messages on the spiritual planes) will naturally increase. And, operate as such. It usually lasts a few seconds to a few minutes. Some of these evolutionary Ascension symptoms are ones I've lived with for many years now and have gotten familiar with how they cycle in and out, year after year, becoming less intense the more I transmuted and released. And, when the Pineal is very active, that pain can be intense. overwhelming emotion. Wednesday October 23rd I got hit hard with some solar energies/transmissions. The New Language of Energy, Symptoms Without a Diagnosis - The New Language of Energy, Chakra Healing - How to Balance Your Chakras, Copyright So how do I know whether these signs Ive recieved about my higher purpose are the real deal, when clearly I was just delusional in thinking my ex and I belonged together? rashes/hives. 37 Followers. The Ascension symptoms you may feel will usually reflect what is clearing and expanding in you. The Trials of Purification - Meeting the Challenges of Spiritual Growth, How Animals Are Assisting Humanity in the Ascension, Copyright I was told he has ADD, and is not taking any medications. That maybe I am dealing with illness. Youll also be cleansing and gaining clarity on past situations and future visions. It takes practice to master being out of your body and will teach you much about the cosmic nature of reality. When this chakra begins to open, you may experience pain or pressure in the crown region. Some people, may realise that their current career is right and they just need to be more of themselves within it. Discomfort, Aches and Pains Physical changes in your body may unfold as you open and prepare to embody more light and a higher frequency of consciousness. Some need less sleep - Many will be so awake, excited and inspired that they need less sleep. For indeed, when youre aware of and working with your spiritual reality (the fifth dimension of light) you accept change as being a fundamental foundation of spirit - of who you are. There may also be neck and shoulder pain, soreness or tightness experienced around the same time as the head symptoms or independently for a few days at a time. When I told him that he had the power to make scary energies and people go away by calling in his angelic reinforcements, that he was lucky because he actually has lucid dreaming, and, thus, could literally fly out of dangerous dreams, and take his parents with him, and explained that he could heal his past by sending healing to those times in his life that made him sad, since time is not linear, he totally got it. Relationship strains and changes - Ultimately as you elevate in awareness of who you are as a soul on a human journey, your relationships will shift (until you come to be in the company of others like you, who have remembered who they are). One can meditate on the crown chakra by visualizing a white light or stream of energy pouring into the crown. Family and longstanding friendships (in particular) will notice changes within you, when you begin to wake-up and grow. I have been feeling so much inexplicable fatigue in the last few weeks, wondering where its been coming from. SYMPTOMS,CONTINUED..headaches, pressure in the ears, neck and upper back stiffness, heart palpitations, a feeling of hyperventilating, sleeplessness even though you may be very tired, and even a need to eat often. The initial awakening is often the most startling, since youre getting a grasp of whats happening. Ringing Ears; This has been occurring frequently, in both ears, both high/medium/low tones and has been going on since the beginning of my awakening. The vagus nerve which runs down the side of the neck is also linked into the heart and when stimulated (as your neck becomes tight, perhaps from resistance to your incoming life changes) this can also serve to awaken the heart energy field and cause an expansion (fluttering) of consciousness. Represents: Emotions; Creativity, Self Expression, Sexuality; Relationships; Balance and Flow; Emotional Self; When this Chakra is stimulated or is opening up you may experience strange sensations around the face and forehead, such as tingling, itching, heat, pressure, electric sensations, pinpricks or electric shocks, waves of warm energy, sensations in or behind the eyes; You may see shadows, images, sparkling lights, flashes of lights, colors, auras around people, animals and objects; hazey or blurred visions; more intense dreams; Clairvoyancy and Psychic visions. It can also be described as a feeling of discomfort, stuffiness, or fullness. Ear downloads are the way that high vibration 5D information is absorbed by your energy body. If you are experiencing a headache in the third eye region, it means your twin flame wants you to be aware of something, so be sure to listen to your intuition. Youve felt it and it has had an impact on your energy - and your body on all levels. There is a lot going on inside of you. Some try and change those around them (this may or may not work, as all souls have free will). This can even be done without the need to dissociate from daily modern life, meditate for hours or join any mystical society..! [Read More]. Here are things you can do to relieve sinus congestion and related ear congestion: Take a nasal decongestant. I have also had inner ear . Allow others to grow with you, if they choose. When the pituitary gland and pineal gland absorb more energy and light, theres a feeling of intense pressure in the forehead region or at the back of the head. It is important to bear it if you want something better. Its a significant shift for me, as someone who has never needed glasses until now, so it has definitely been demanding my intention! Experiencing changes in your mood or emotions. Lately I have noticed incredible pressure changes in my ears, and then the ear ringing gets louder after these changes occur. This I liken to a clearing of the third eye. Online care | Ascension It can be a very positive sign. Some people are born with tubes that are narrower than normal or are prone to failure. Deep breathing, right down into your belly (in through the nose and out through the mouth) assists with a more even breath - of the in and out flow. The ancient Egyptian, Syrian, Mayan, Indian, Aboriginal and ALL indigenous cultures will appeal. For instance if your heart chakra needs healing, you may not allow yourself to feel or receive love from others. Enjoy the blog, and please say hello! Much louder and more pressure.. This allows you to more readily experience your outer body layers, opening you up to the spiritual side of life via the higher dimensions beyond the third physical dimension. If youre feeling pressure in your head, remember that you arent alone. A Change in Sleeping Patterns. Repeated cold flashes, inner body cold spots, certain chakra areas turn cold for periods; extra electricity in your body, constantly getting zapped when you touch things; muscle spasms, twitching, itching, strange sensations on or under the skin, nerve sensitivity; pains and pressures in areas of spine; mental confusion; sudden waves of nausea; Emotional/Psychological Symptoms: Control issues, lack of focus and concentration, memory loss, feeling uncentered, lack of self confidence, lack of self esteem, insecurity, loss of power, helplessness, feelings of victimization, critical, feeling threatened, fears, anger, agression, need for excessive control and power, feeling overwhelmed, feeling isolated, nightmares. and their energies being brought to surface and transmuted;Strange, vivid dreams, Kundalini energy working in two lower chakras: Bringing to surface of old sexual issues, feelings of guilt, and suppressed energies, fears and/or a sense of being a victim, to be consciously recognized, felt emotionally, dealt with and integrated, and eventually released. You notice that your ears are popping for no apparent reason. But before the birthing of these benefits, the labor pains of these chakra centers awakening may bring some of the uncomfortable symptoms around the physical areas connected to them. This signifies that your spiritual energy is increasing, and you are connecting with higher realms. For adults, the process ofgetting from A to B can be quickly tainted with past disappointments, heartbreaks, and recently perceived failures. Ascension Symptoms of Chakra Energy Centers Ascension is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment found in Buddhism Explain that you just need some quiet time to go within. Ringing in your ears ( tinnitus) Muffled hearing. I welcome your loving interactions Sending you my love and support, as youexperience your soulElizabeth , Sign up to receive news and updates. It also benefits in slowing down the process of aging. Our interconnectedness. Dive in deep and love what you find. This can take some time to be achieved. Our vibrational frequency heightens, and we realize that we are unlimited beings. You push it past its limits, then rest and during the rest period (the low) it grows stronger. If you are experiencing crown chakra pain, its important to relax and meditate. Its a hot, fiery energy that burns up the dense emotional blockages in the body, and its activity is often associated with heat in the body. Ascension Symptoms and Signs of Awakening - The Secret Truth About Youre receiving instructions on your next steps.