These are the same evil ones who are trying to reduce the population with their man-made viruses and toxic Covid shots that they are using to kill people. This will prepare you for any EMP attack, or an electric shutdown caused by the one world people when they want to take over. Jesus said: My people, the one world people were instrumental in taking down the two trade towers and Building 7 that was not hit by the planes. When the wind and floods came, his house remained firm because it had a good foundation. You all are appointed to die. Keeping warm during the winter will be just one of your needs, but your heating would keep you alive from freezing to death. This burning of bodies was unbearable as I stopped the vision. Be also prepared to come to My refuges of protection when your lives will be in danger. Strive to protect My gift of life at all ages., Jesus said: My people, it is good to have your families share your lives together. The vaccinated people have had their immune system ruined by the spike protein in the Covid shots. In the Gospel I told the Sadducees how they were misled in their understanding of what happens to the dead believers. When you are updating My messages, or explaining My words to you, start with a prayer to the Holy Spirit so He can speak through you. Jesus said: My people, you are adoring My Blessed Sacrament, and I am the Light amidst the darkness. You all were faithfully attending your weekly services with Fr. New Messages on After The Warning Website. Shamon. When you It was the effects of the Covid vaccine that caused my death. Even if you are only suffering a slight pain, offer it up to Me to help save souls, and help the souls in purgatory to come closer to heaven. Jesus said: My people, for many hours I am alone in the tabernacle, and only a few people come to honor Me. Jesus said: My people, today you had some added sound effects to go with the Gospel. You have not had many occasions to give talks because of your Covid restrictions. This is another lie from the evil ones who say it does not change your DNA. The Government must get heavy with the police to make them crack down on lockdown rule-breakers, Matt Hancock said during the pandemic.. It is also symbolic of how my Son, Jesus, rains down His graces on all of His children. Prophet John Leary | Mary Refuge Of Souls You all are too valuable to Me to leave you alone without help. Last year there were very few flu cases reported, even though the flu comes every year. John Leary Trust in My multiplication of your needs to survive throughout the tribulation., Jesus said: My people, I have told you in previous messages how I would send the Holy Spirit with an inner locution to let My faithful know when it is the proper time to come to My refuges. When the priest touched the relics to the young man, it hurt the demons, and they kept saying: Get it off of me. The demons were talking more than usual and uttering profanities. You will face your life review, a mini-judgment, and a taste of your present destination. Water will even get rationed where there are more severe shortages. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. I have said before that the Divine Mercy Chaplet is the best prayer to pray for the dead. These bad effects of the vaccines are not being made public, but people should be warned not to take these toxic shots. Your jobs are being threatened by a vaccine mandate that will kill you, and you should not take it. There is a strong suspicion that many flu deaths were being claimed as Covid deaths so the health people could push the vaccines. I shine My Light and graces on all people, but it takes more grace to love your enemies. Jesus said: My people, America needs to wake up out of your media brainwashing, and see how you are a bunch of frogs being slowly boiled to death in water. Sunday, February 26, 2023: (First Sunday of Lent) Jesus said: My people, I want you to see the comparison of the temptation of the first Adam with the new Adam in Me. 16:13-20) I asked My apostles who do you think I am? WebExperienced Senior Rail Project Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the rail construction industry. There are not many places where people can adore Me in chapels in perpetual Adoration. If you love Me, you will show your love in your daily prayers and possibly your daily Mass. Otherwise, those people, who do not believe in My healing nor believe in Me, could die and go to hell. You will be told in your Warning that vaccinated people will need this blessing, or they will die. Pray that such a war could be stopped before many people could die., Wednesday, December 1, 2021: Trust in Me and I will protect My faithful from any diseases and from any evil demons., Jesus said: My people, a day of judgment is coming on the world when I will separate My sheep of the faithful from the goats of the evil ones. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, June 24, 2021: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist) You will have other needs for food, water, and your daily Holy Communion. Once you die, you will be as a saint, and you will be brought into heaven. New Prophetic Messages From John Leary Through September 7, 2021. Eventually, even the internet will shut down religious services. Norman Leach Once I have renewed the earth, I will call My faithful down into My Era of Peace. All of My believers will have a cross on their forehead by My angels. You love Me so much that you come to Mass every day for My miracle of My Eucharist. This vision is even more dramatic as you again are seeing dead bodies, but now you are seeing many bodies being thrown into a huge crematorium, and they were burned up. Go in peace and be healed of thy affliction. I arrived at Jairus house and I put out the mourners, since his daughter had died. God the Father said: I AM WHO AM is here to share this great feast of the Blessed Trinity because We are Three Persons in One God. If My faithful are short of food before you come to My refuges, I will multiply your food if you pray to Me in faith., Jesus said: My people, the evil ones will release a new deadly virus after My Warning, and this could kill many vaccinated people. This will be a travel that you have not done for quite a while. You can bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or they can be healed at My refuges. He decided to reinvent himself as a wannabe porn star as he claimed he was quitting showbiz in April 2021. You also will be traveling again to support a young man and his mother, as the exorcist priest will be doing another exorcism session with him. I have been suggesting such a food storage because your store shelves could go empty if you have another virus shutdown. Keep praying for Ron and his family., Saturday, May 29, 2021: You will see Me soon in My coming Warning, so have your soul prepared with frequent Confession. Tuesday, September 7, 2021: Jesus said: My son, you have been out evangelizing people so they could be converted for over 25 years. Pray for all couples to get married before they have relations, which is how I planned man and woman to live together., Prayer Group: If you do not fight this vaccine mandate and passports, you will soon be like Puerto Rico where unvaccinated people cannot work, buy groceries, or gasoline. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges of protection with My angels. For man it is too difficult to comprehend Three Persons in One God, because it is a Mystery to you. See that I am with you every day, and you can call on Me to help you in your needs. If you truly love Me, then you must love your neighbor and show it in your actions of good deeds to help them with food, donations, and sharing your faith. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, earlier in the year you had a shutdown of your churches, when you could not come to Mass nor Holy Communion. This is one of the failings of some people in that they do not always remember to thank Me for all that I do for them. The local people begged Me to leave their area. One of the most important gifts of Mine is your very life existence, but even your people are discarding My babies in abortion as human garbage. I have shown you hell where the demons are tormenting souls and the souls there are like black embers who are suffering the flames forever with no hope of escaping. Keep your focus more on Me and doing things for Me as much as you can. Pray for your families to get blessed so they do not die from the next virus., Jesus said: My people, I will warn people in their Warning experience that there will be only two kinds of people: those people, who believe in Me, and those people who do not believe in Me. I will lead you to solve your problems, if you would just Follow Me., Jesus said: My people, in the past Democratic Administrations very little money was increased on your Defense spending. People, who get the Covid virus, survive and have natural antibodies to fight diseases without a vaccine. Thus I will not destroy the innocent among the evil ones., Jesus said: My people, you knew the viruses and vaccines were made with evil intent to reduce the population by the one world people. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, but you have done well in your refuge preparations., Wednesday, June 2, 2021: The vaccine is definitely changing your DNA to do this. Even yesterday, you were celebrating thanks for My many gifts to you on Thanksgiving Day, but the church had just a few more people than a daily Mass. He will be spending a short time in purgatory. You cannot take the mark of the beast, or you will lose your soul. The Pharisees asked Me why I am eating dinner with tax collectors, and I told them the sick need a physician and not the self-righteous. I am the Great Healer, and I call My faithful to follow Me through all of lifes adversities. I love all of you, and I know your requests before you even mention them. There is no marriage in heaven because the souls are like angels who constantly adore Me. You will be tested, but in the end I will cast the evil ones into hell. Trust in Me to answer your prayers, but people need to accept Me of their own free will. Many parents are choosing to home school their children to avoid the liberal brainwashing. Thursday, June 24, 2021: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist) Jesus said: My people, your readings today give glory to the birth of your children. Monday, May 31, 2021: (Visitation of Blessed Mother, Memorial Day) Mary said: My dear children, when St. Gabriel came to me, I gave my fiat yes to being the I will multiply your prayers for all of your intentions., Jesus said: My people, you have heard in the Gospel about the good tree that bears good fruit, and the bad tree that bears bad fruit. St. Raphael sent the evil demon back to hell so Tobiah and Sarah could live in peace. I showed you a vision of dead bodies lying around, who represented the dead vaccinated people. Trust in Me to protect you from harm as My angels will defend you. I am repeating a previous message that you will live to see this time, just as I allowed Simeon to see Me at the Temple before he died. I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Give thanks and praise for your gift of faith which will be rewarded in heaven., Jesus said: My people, you have been given many lies about the Covid virus and the Covid vaccines. Tuesday, November 16, 2021(St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude) Jesus said: My people, you saw how Eleazar would not eat pork because of his Jewish laws of eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ:EHTH) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript You can further show your love for Me by your good deeds in helping your neighbor. Jesus said: My people, in todays Gospel (Mk 5:21-43) you see a story of healing within a story. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, May 27, 2021: After the Warning, you will have six weeks of conversion. The best preparation for My Warning is to come to frequent Confession so you could have a clean soul. I have warned you of a coming deadly virus that will kill a lot of people, but refuse to take any Covid shots, boosters, or flu shots that will ruin your immune system. Be thankful that you have been blessed with Our gift of faith. 2021 September : John Leary This is why the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul had more effect on the demons because My saints of the Church had authority over the demons by My power to cast out demons., Jesus said: My people, there are some people who desire to own rich looking things, as gold necklaces. You show your love for Me in your daily prayers, and I respond by giving you My messages at Holy Communion at Mass, and at Adoration every night. He had faith in My healing power, so I healed him of his blindness. I call you to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. Trust in Me because I know that you need food, water, and a place to stay. It is good to get My message out to the people who may be influenced to be converted. Many people think souls go directly to heaven, but most souls need some reparation for their sins in purgatory. what does x subscript 0 mean in physics; mystery cookies strain leafly; arkansas baptist buffaloes men's basketball roster; stanley alpert wife; Menu. He has come to the help of His servant Israel for He has remembered His promise of mercy. Call on My help when you are in need, or when you are being threatened., Monday, September 6, 2021: (Labor Day) You are seeing some places supporting vaccine passports where people are not required to have masks. Dublin YouTuber cleared of breaking Covid lockdown laws to attend At the Church of the Visitation you have my Magnificat in many different languages. Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges when your lives are threatened., Jesus said: My people, I have warned you about the possibility of the evil ones bringing a worse Covid virus that could cause vaccinated people to die quickly. Private WhatsApp The vaccinated people can be healed using the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or by being a believer and getting healed at a refuge. There are hackers who can shut your web sites down, or keep you from using the internet. My angels are marking a cross on the foreheads of all of My believers. When you look on the luminous cross in the sky at My refuge, you will be healed of all of your illnesses. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old, yet Abraham was told he would have a son, Isaac by Sarah. This account reminds you of the many blind people I healed in My own ministry. Already China wants to match your nuclear weapons, as they are building silos for ICBMs. The people need to know that it is important to choose your destination where you will be after you die. You are still having Covid virus cases, and many churches are not giving Holy Communion on the tongue again. He fulfilled his mission as one crying out from the desert that people should repent of their sins and be baptized by immersion in the water of the Jordan River. You can enter My refuges if you have a cross on your forehead. My people need to be ready to come to My refuges when you could lose your dollar investments overnight. Dismissing bilities through a chapter 11 2021 from ovarian cancer at Powder into a standalone com- the range of $8 billion to $10 settling each claim one by the chapter 11 case would en-plan and stop litigation from age 59, said the They prayed to Me for protection, and for a successful marriage with children to carry on the human race. You need to keep your immune systems protected with vitamin C and D3 2000. This new virus will kill many vaccinated people, if they are not converted in the Warning. There are many couples who are living together in sin without marriage. I have been a fan of Tom Peters (a fellow Baltimorean) for my entire career from his start with In Search of Excellence (1982) with Bob Waterman. The biggest lie is that the one world people are telling you to take the Covid vaccine so you can live a normal life. Throughout the Scriptures you see how I take authority over the demons, and I cast them out of various people. Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace // Volume 4: WebFebruary 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . Jesus said: My people, in the first reading from Tobit, you see both Tobit and Sarah praying to Me for help with their problems. You continue to bring your relics for additional support. You will be living together at My refuges after the Warning and your six weeks of conversion. Do not take any Covid vaccine that could kill you in a few years. Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ There are also bad web sites that can give you viruses or enable certain addictions. Try to make some special visits to show your love for Me at different times than Mass. I told the Pharisees that I desire mercy and not sacrifice. Jesus said: My people, you are being tested by people who keep declaring a new Covid variant is among you as the health people keep pushing boosters that are not needed. There is not a lot of tested science to back up the need for Covid shots that do not prevent getting the Covid virus., Jesus said: My people, because Biden appears to be a weak leader, you are seeing Russia and China becoming emboldened to take the Ukraine and China wants Taiwan. The Covid-19 virus has killed a large number of people, but the big goal is to use vaccines to kill even more people by their bioweapon to use the spike protein to destroy peoples immune system. Tobiah and Sarah should be an example to all newly married couples, as all couples should pray for a successful marriage. As you are threatened with this new virus, I will bring My Warning first and then My angels will lead you to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, I have promised you that I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus will be released. Matt Hancock said 'get heavy with police' to enforce lockdown If these evil ones can force you to take an unneeded, poisonous, Covid shot, then they will force you to take the mark of the beast next. They went into the swine, and they ran into the sea, and all of the swine were drowned. Then you will see My purpose clearly in how I died on the cross to bring salvation to all of those people who believe in Me. By staying close to My Sacred Heart and pouring out My Precious Blood on people, I can heal people of their sickness and their sins., Wednesday, September 8, 2021: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother) My believers will need to be patient because it will take time to organize your jobs. This Hitler style shutdown is coming to the rest of America, so if your people do not fight these mandates, then you will lose all of your freedoms. John Leary The readings are on the end days that I have given you to proclaim, and to prepare the people to endure the less than 3 years of tribulation of the Antichrist. This is a wonderful story of healing cataracts which is a problem today that many people have to have operations to see clearly. This is a principle that I have made when a country or city is worthy of a punishment for sin. Jairus was one of the synagogue rulers, and he had faith that I could heal his dying daughter. Jesus said: My people, this Scripture about My displeasure over the fig tree without any fruit, is a sign to My faithful that I expect you to bear spiritual fruit in your actions. More emergencies are being declared to control the spread of Covid cases, even when there are not many deaths. You will be protected at your refuge throughout the whole tribulation time., Friday, May 28, 2021: I have told My people to stock up on food items because you cannot eat your gold or money. Trust in Me and My angels who will be multiplying food and fuels for your people to survive., Thursday, September 9, 2021: (St. Peter Claver) I stayed with Elizabeth for three months until she gave birth to St. John the Baptist, and then I returned home to Nazareth. Jesus said: My son, you have seen visions before of dead bodies on the ground when the vaccinated people would come in contact with the next deadly virus. john leary latest messages 2021 - Reach out to touch these souls with My messages., Jesus said: My people, you have been shut down for a while, but now would be a good time to think of making another DVD video. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful., Sunday, June 27, 2021: You need to be baptized into the faith, and you will be healed of your spiritual blindness when you will receive the eyes of faith. Appendix 99: Descent Into Hell: CIA MKULTRAs Torture Doctors, Scientists, Spies, & Politicians: Hall of Shame Rogues Gallery. You all have free will to choose to believe in Me or not. In fact during the Obama years, he wanted to reduce your nuclear weapons. You can see how they declare emergencies without much information or death statistics. This word from Our Lord to John Leary on June 10, 2022, is similar to what we Some people are dying from using the ventilators. In the first Adam he was also tempted by the devil with food to eat when he ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Later, Sarah did have Isaac with a miracle, just as I performed a miracle in healing the leper of his leprosy. Candidates needed 10% of the caucus (seven MPs) to nominate. If I was in person at My tabernacle, you would come more often. Europe should not be buying fuels from Russia because they could be held hostage for heating their homes. I will tell people in their Warning that they can be healed of their vaccination by blessing themselves with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. These Covid shots are ruining your immune system, so when this deadly new virus comes, people will be dying all over. My people also have the Holy Spirit making My Real Presence known to you, and you have accepted in faith that I am Present in the consecrated Host. Just as I read some words of remembrance for Camille, now he was giving words about me. He has shown the strength of His arm, He has scattered the proud in their conceit. It will be better to receive Me on the tongue, because it is a more reverent way to receive Me without touching the consecrated Host. Once you cannot buy food or gas, and they threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to My refuges. Even some states are promoting more vaccinations with money paid out, or restrictions on unvaccinated people. Trust in Me to protect My believers when the authorities will try to kill you. At an early age, Ben was exposed to the theatre, filmmaking, TV production, and behind the scenes of photo shoots and He has both a spiritual director and a pastor who confirm that he is But I reached out to foreigners, lepers, fornicators, and even tax collectors. When are your people going to rise up in a major protest, or strike against your employers? There are good and bad people as well, so you will know a person by the fruit of their actions. You gave the exorcist priest the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul on their feast day. Jesus said: My people, you are all familiar with the centurions words when he said: Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed. (Matt. Now these same people are trying to force vaccines on you that you do not want, nor need. I will remove the just people, just as Lot and his family were removed from Sodom. My people need to be ready to leave for My refuges, as events are about to bring more persecution of My faithful. READ MORE - Michael O'Leary takes aim at Eamon Ryan over drone activity at Dublin Airport in fiery RTE rant It had been amended to include measures for preventing, The promise He made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children for ever., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the one world people trying to invade the privacy of your own home and force things on you that you did not want. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, October 19, 2021 (Brebeuf, Jogues, North American martyrs) Jesus said: My people, I am showing you how people You have had faith in My healing, but soon you will need faith in My power to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges. The one world people have a goal to reduce the population of the world from seven billion down to five hundred million people. Trust in Me so you can face your trials of the coming tribulation.. The bodies of the vaccinated people will continue producing the spike protein, and this will eventually overcome their immune system by constant inflamation. I am in purgatory for a short time. The unvaccinated people will be further harassed by Biden in his evil effort to get everyone vaccinated with the poisonous Covid shots. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Stepfather 2 [DVD], Good, John O'Leary, Renata Scott, Leon Martell, Miriam B at the best online prices at eBay! Once you look beyond the world, you can accomplish the mission I have for you. Those people, who do not believe in My healing, could die of their illness. 8:8) This is said before Holy Communion time in the Mass, and it is appropriate for you to be humble to receive Me into your soul.
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