The book reflects my love of animalsand specifically dogs. Its amazing how your question prompted how a book might have had such an impact on me. martha's vineyard sharks: 2021; why does destiny 2 keep crashing ps5; the black ball by ralph ellison symbols It was a charming book that has been a metaphor for life that stayed with me forever. Flowers and painting are my passions now. Je ne sais pas si jai le droit de participer au concours tant donn que je demeure au Canada, mais je tente ma chance. Love shared is magical. What a beautiful book Zo! She arranged glass, bowl and book on the window sill and climbed out on the fire-escape. Form Beatrix potter a love of nature and animals. Praying for those who need help and the people trying to help. Its been quite a while since we last interviewed youcan you give an update on how things have changed since we last spoke on the blog? The Jolly Postman was my favorite book as a child and I relieve the enjoyment over and over again as I see it through the eyes of my children. Now that Im an adult I feel myself drawn back towards that kind of lifestyle. We (there were 6 of us) also loved The Berenstain Bear books. Well, one thing hasnt changed, its still just me and mum working away in the field. I loved Child Craft books which were like encyclopedias for kids. Of these, Beatrix Potters Peter Rabbit was one that I read over and over again wondering what chamomile looked like and its healing properties as a tea. Top rhymes for Alexis. It was so sweet and empowering and made me want to name everything I had after flowers! I loved The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! What a beautiful book, Zoe has created! The hotel would have arrangements for the lobbies delivered weekly and working in catering I have seen fantastic arrangements at weddings, birthday and anniversary celebrations. Each evening was a new adventure. One of my favorite books growing up was a book called The Mitten by Jan Brett. My dad introduced me to Madeleine LEnglea A Wrinkle In Time as a young teen, and I was hooked on Sci-Fi for life! Im always attracted to any floral book with lots of pictures so I can envision where I would like to start my next garden. I didnt go on to become a super babysitter or have any run ins with monsters or ghouls, but they did instill a life long love of reading. When I was a child my mom would take us to the library and let us pick out any books we wanted. The characters in these stories, particularly the females, showed me that my quiet confidence could lead me to so many places. I was inside drawing while the other kids played outside. I loved Nancy Drew books most when I was little. I looked for it each time we went there. Im especially interested to hear if there are any new rose varieties you cant live without! It was a large book about kittens who painted everythingit felt like a whole world was in that book. I also have always dreamed of growing flowers a dream I am at last achieving and would love love love to have a walled garden with a secret door. I loved any type of book that required a heightened sense of imagination like The Phantom Tollbooth or The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles. I would spend hours outside on a picnic blanket enjoying the weather and reading my books! I feel like she really helped change the flower landscape here, making it that much easier for us to get our hands on those special varieties that we could only ever dream about before. We have many more tools to help you be a better writer. Now I read all the time but most always pick subjects and authors that make me want to keep reading! When my children were smaller we would spend HOURS pouring over seek and find books so this Lost & Found makes my heart so happy. Matilda was a favorite! Escape through reading has been central to my personhood since a very young age. It was the perfect book and has always stayed with me. As far as shaping me as an adult, Im not sure! I loved reading rhyming books with my kids, and we loved the I Spy series for sure and Eric Carles colorful picture books! While a Nancy Drew mystery always held my interest, I truly loved those pocket-sized Golden Field Guides. Its P. D. Eastmans Go Dog Go! God bless you and your farm. I have already purchased Zoes book as I imagine reading it with several of my grand babies who love flowers and gardening. I can hardly wait to see this new book, which sounds exquisite! Magic and nature how could they not be favorite things? A book that stands out to me from my childhood was Misty of Chincoteague. Of my own! :) I think I wished I could live on a farm. The Narnia series too has influenced our lives and brought joy in so many ways. Anything historical. My favorite series was The Mandie series. Zoes book looks magical! My father was my 3rd grade teacher and my mother was a readaholic. I grew up very poor. Not exactly gardening inspired, but I was inspired by the ingenuity and challenge to carve out a subsistence living in the Midwest in the 19th century. I pretty much loved all kinds of books (and it shows in my library) but I enjoyed the ones where your choices would make the story! My all time favorite book since childhood would be The Robe. It was the old book of nursery rhymes and childrens stories that was my favorite when I was a child. To this day, I remain a hopeless romantic <3. (Your books are my favorite ADULT ones! Like your beautiful looking creation! We are staying at our friends hillside property (fortunate to have minimal damage to her world renowned garden from cyclone Gabrielle) overlooking Wanuii beach for our last week before we head home to coastal B.C. Lots of animal, garden and childcare done by Pell as he worked his way through summer to get his own new blue suit. I believe that book and my small town, rural upbringing rooted something in me. My brothers had them all so they were available. Thanks for sharing about this beautiful farm. Devotionals also! But the best part of all is that my imagination has come alive again with the textures, placement and most importantly color. Nature books, including plant and bird identification, nature crafts, wild edibles, gardening and how to make things were my favorites, story books based on those themes were even better! This book looks beautiful and will be fun to share with my grand daughters. Full of history and magic. Ive lived my life as an artist, but Ive slowly wandered back to flowers as a means of expression. Blossoming trees! It is really the photos and pictures that I once, and still can get lost in. Yes, as a child I loved seek-and-find books. incorporates two of your biggest passionsflowers and photographyand is an absolute feast for the eyes! John Scalzi is one of my current favorites. Thank you floret for finding me on the internet all those years ago. expecting. It taught me to think about giving and receiving as well as humans impact on nature. The book I recall MOST as a girl was Penelope Strawberry and River Radish! Zoes Lost and Found looks like a beautiful book to look thru with my now grown up daughters as we all love flowers yet still love Wheres Waldo type books. Thank you for this interview with all the stunning photography too. So beautiful! They inspired me to become a farmer and want to live off the land. I would get so lost in those books and wonder what it would be like to be that bird. Love what this book represents. I loved good stories and also beautiful pictures and still buy beautifully illustrated childrens books just to have. Both books show the importance of caring, loving, friendship and supporting the ones you love. I loved books about magic and other worlds, like the Narnia series. I have long-admired Zo from afar and am dying to visit her farm in person someday. I was about 7-8 yrs old & I found the book Misty of Chincoteague. I relish any opportunity to spend time wandering the open spaces and regional wonders of my adopted Southern California, and thank the Lupine lady for inspiring me to love nature. The photography and lighting is spectacular and the flowers.ahhhhhh. Thank you for sharing this interview and the pictures! No joke, my favorite book was The Secret Garden by Francis Hodges Burnett. Wild flowers were everywhere in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Professional books, horticulture, YA, fantasy, graphic novels, literature etc. She is 37 years old. The whole class cried at the end of the book ( including my teacher, Mrs Meyers. ) It was always fun to imagine stories about the items or people in those books. I especially remember a book I had of fish that I would look at over and again. My favorite was A Childs Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson. Rumpelstiltskin being one. The book sounds delightful!! As a child I read pretty much anything I could get my hands on, but the stories that I remember most vividly were the adventure and sci-fi/fantasies! Another beautiful book! Definitely going to add to my Amazon wishlist. I absolutely loved a collection of books of National Geographic photos. I loved reading fiction, which fueled my imagination. I always wanted to be brave and outgoing as Nancy Drew but alas thats not my personality but its okay! I loved books that contained stories and illustrations of animals and nature. Our neighbor was a childrens librarian and supplied my mom with all the most exceptional picture books in the 1940s. That has never faded and I dont think it ironic that I now own and operate a thriving horse farm filled with Thoroughbreds! As a child I loved to read and collect books. Guido Gezelle (translated by Jethro Bithell. Now I read more scientific and humanistic books. food that rhymes with alexisbad bunny tour 2022 tickets food that rhymes with alexis. As an adult and educator, I have shared it with many others too. Those illustrations, along with my maternal and paternal grandmothers love of gardens shaped that same love of flowers that I have. I just liked reading and enjoyed lots of different subjects of books. It provides us with nearly year-round produce and cut flowers spring to fall. These small investigations have continued to fan my curiosity and love of learning into my retirement. I loved Roald Dahl, Madeleine LEngle, Beverley Cleary, and also raiding the art and travel books in our library. I plant more and more every year on our small farm in Oregon. It was so cozy, and a little bit intimidating. The theme is secrets, hidden places, special spots that only certain people knew about. I remember the delightful book, Heidi, as my first chapter book as an emerging reader. Growing up I loved the Beatrix Potter books, I feel they helped foster my love and connection with the woods and wildlife, and made me think about not just myself when planting a garden, but all those creatures who could benefit as well. Also, this is not a book but I eagerly awaited the arrival of Sunset Magazine every month and read it from cover to cover! Dahlias were her favorite! I fully felt the turmoil at being sent to bed without supper, imagined what the arduous journey across the sea must have felt like, and had to summon the courage to look at the pages of the rumpus as the illustrations of the wild things actually scared me! But my favorite that I went back to time and again was a set of encyclopedias we had in our home. My favorite story I can remember though was called Mandy, about a young orphan girl who found a deserted house in the woods and every day snuck over the orphanage wall to little by little make the house her own. To this day, I still love a good childrens book with vibrant pictures and lots of little pictures to find! I would bring them all to my mom. And the photos are lovely :) the book that most interested me as a child was Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Its good to be wild and and let loose! I felt like a kindred spirit. My Daisy chains evolved into gardening and later, a bit more complex floral design. I loved how the children were so clever and could survive out in the woods. In fact, due to a concussion, I wasnt able to read for a few months. As an adult, my garden is that little piece of magic for me. Beautiful book! Funny thing is that I really didnt like reading as a child, I couldnt sit still and would rather be outside immersed in imaginative play creating Daisy and dandelion flower chains . I have enjoyed veggie gardening for 50 years. And you cant get me out of my garden in the summer! There were so many beloved books when I wss s child. North East 'super-mam' explains her secret to getting kids to sleep for 12 hours every night, Martin Lewis urges parents to make vital check that could save 2,000 on childcare costs, Can I take time off work if my child's school closes due to teacher strikes? As an adult, I feel drawn to the books I read like The Secret Garden, Little House On the Prairie, Ann of Green Gables. A guide to growing & arranging magnificent blooms, Winner of the American Horticulture Society Book Award. However I was always drawn to images or book covers. Just beautiful. ), and to see them in full bloom in your book would be perfect. It taught me to look past what was the initial function to find additional treasures. But my favorite were biographies. Barb Hartle As a child I would love to be read to. Plays. As a young child I was into poetry. I believe that reading fueled my love for learning and being able to really listen to people. My summers were filled with watching Days of Our Lives on a tele with bunny ears, smells of grease and oil, and harlequin novels my auntie thought as age appropriate. They definitely had a seek and find component, and I realize now that they presented the world as being full of sort of mundane but simultaneously magical things and pursuits. Until this question I hadnt thought about it but its incredibly relevant in my daily life. . Hard to say any one type of book- I had a mom who loved to read and read us all types. pearl, earl and whirl all rhyme with girl in my book BaskerviIle. (And my daughters name is Zo!). I remember I loved the book Heidi as it is that I remember her reading to me. I am so glad I found your show and followed it through. Beatrice Potter and the Peter Rabbit series was one of my favorites. As a young child I loved anything with colorful illustrations which has now translated into my interest in colorful photography! The Lupine Lady by Barbara Cooney is my all time favorite. Place all the food in one pile and the rhyming objects in another. It was just so exciting to learn to read and I felt proud of myself. Your book looks like a work of art! In third grade a teachers aid read us THE SECRET GARDEN after recess while we rested our heads on the desk. Most of my favorite childhood comfort books celebrated the power of female friendships: Anne of Green Gables, the Betsy Tacy series, Ginnie and Geneva series, Nancy Drew. This book looks lovely and I would love to own a copy! My mother, a life long gardener, as was my grandmother, gave me the book. 4. I had my own spy book. She was a young girl who solved mysteries and went on different adventures. Always love that memory! As I had daughters of my own, I read this book to each of them. The secret garden a novel by Frances Hodgson that helped heal children both mentally and physically. Those and anything about horses, art, and flowers! I developed a love of reading at an early age and still enjoy taking a book outdoors and reading in the garden. No cell phones, just me and Nancy figuring out the next mystery. take the salute. How I enjoyed learning about these people. Pets need plenty of protein and nutrients, 1. New Zealand has always been a place I would love visiting. Seeing so many women find peace in gardening I too am starting in that realm. So looking forward to getting a copy into my hands but also into the graceful, elegant hands of a college chum who could have collaborated with you on this entire adventure.. it mirrors her perfectly! Nancy Drew, Boxcar Children, Choose Your Own Adventures type books. When I was little, I loved the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe series. A neighbor had lent me a Nancy Drew Mystery and started me off. My Mom was able to find the entire series of books she read as a child that had been borrowed and gave them to me to read. I love then all too, but I collect different poppies and photograph them as they open, which is only for a short while, depending on the weather. They helped shape my love of learning and adventure. I read all of Beverly Clearys books as a kid and enjoyed the emotional realism and antics of Ramona the Pest. Gardening provides another kind of transformative experience. Even as a little girl, I had stacks of books by my bed, waiting to be read. Flowers AND a similar format? I felt drawn to the characters with their secrets and troubles, the beautifully strange darkness of the rainy days up on the Moor as described in the book, and mostly the dear old secret garden itself, with its creative powers of healing and health. Its all about the Lupine Lady who plants seeds to make the world more beautiful. Recently I was riding with a friend in her car, and she had all sorts of fabric and sewing notions in the back seat. What a wonderful labor of love. . Thank you for sharing your interview with Zoe. When I was a kid, I didnt read much and didnt have many books. I loved a good compelling story then, and I still do!! I remember being in awe of how vast our universe is, which makes me even more impressed with the smallest details in life. I mainly stuck with the Judy Bloom books as a girl, but now I enjoy pretty much anything. Old English nursery rhyme about making tea. We had the famous Book It program so I would read as many books as I could get from the library. The closeness and relationship that formed was wonderful. The book was a gift to me from a family friend and is was a pop-up version of the storybook. Oh boy, there are so many good ones that I rememberlike Charlottes Web because of my love of animals. Even though their lives were so different then, compared to my 1950s childhood, I still related to the themes of friendship and growing up. I cant walk away from a new book. I remember loving Roald Dahl, Nancy Drew, and the silly poetry of Shel Silverstein! To see the different animals of all colors, shapes & sizes working together. This book holds a special place in my heart. Anne of Green Gables. I still have my dads copy of Crockets and its the first book my son and I turn to for houseplant questions. This has set me on a path to try to learn, share and inspire all things gardening with the people in my life. Painting, gardening, beading, crocheting, ceramics, mosaics, the list went on and on! At night, my Dad would pull out an encyclopedia and open it to a random place and I would read to him. As a child I loved to read mysteries like the Nancy Drew novels and the babysitters club, hahaha. The world at your feet you view, The interview was enlightening, inspirational and great food for thought.
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