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. I meditate in your Word day and night and I do according to all that is in it, therefore I make my way prosperous and I have great success. Maria, I apologize for the misspelled word Bisnut- should be Be it unto you. In faith I BELIEVE my prosperity goals are mine now; All financial all financial doors are open, all financial channels are free, and rich abundance comes to me in amazing ways now! how to print avery 5395 labels in word; Tags . I declare my mortgage, cars and debts are paid off. Jamie, As long as you dont set your hope on the uncertainty of money but on God, He will richly provide you with everything for your enjoyment. . Because your roots are deep into the water. Currently, My job is jeopardized because Im ineligible for certain promotions that require a higher level of a background security, I owe back taxes, I lost $10k per year in my income, I was very ill but overcame it but thousands of dollars in medical bills and my credit has plummeted due to the loss in income, then I have no other resources. Speak your financial scriptures daily and it will increase your faith (Romans 10:17). I have always been able to be good with money. Its chock-full of stories that will inspire you to ask and believe God for His blessings, instead of the crumbs from His table. Learn more. I am prospering in my mind, in my body, in my spirit, and in my finances. I decree that you will have a mentality of abundance starting today. When we desire financial prosperity and wealth in our lives, then we need to keep confessing, decreeing and declaring the word of God into our prosperity until it becomes a reality in our lives. I am wealthy, and I am a generous giver. Offering Reading #1 As we receive today's offering, We are believing the Lord for: Jobs and better jobs Raises and bonuses Benefits Sales and commissions Favorable settlements I started my own business in project management with construction. A Declaration of Financial Breakthrough Scripture Reading: Psalm 113, Deuteronomy 6:10-25 Reflections of the Heart: "As a king of the King, I will make choices so that my God-given domain positions me for blessings, delight, provision and prohibition. Thanks for this. Prosperity is part of my atonement and spiritual right. This means that, if you purchase a resource on Amazon using my links, Amazon will pay me a small commission (at no additional cost to you of course). Thanks again Jamie! God will give us what we need as we walk with Him. I decree that I have a hunger and thirst for learning how to manage my finances Gods way. But blessed are those who trust in theLord and have made theLord their hope and confidence. There is nothing lacking in my Gods bank account. So Lord Jesus, be our savior from debts, burdens, and financial struggle. (Prov. Thanks so much. These money affirmations will change what your brain thinks about financial abundance. God is God of provision. Not everyone has their dream job but the bible says whatever you hands finds to do do it for the Lord. The poverty spirit isnt something that makes you poor. Hi Jamie, I said this prayer today and God answered for surprise gifts. Debt freedom isnt just a dreamit is your spiritual reality. ..but my trust in God Malachi 3:10, Psalm 23. He will provide you with seed to sow [that is your resources] and He will multiply it. Money Prayer for Finances. I have a list of financial breakthrough declarations and FREE printable affirmation cards that you can access here. (Prov. But we cannot serve God and mammon. People go to great lengths trying to wring knowledge from God when all they need to do is go to the Bible. Thank you for this word and prayer as I know you are praying for us all. Repeat and reflect constantly on the belowaffirmations for financial prosperity and you will for sure increase your energy for attracting money. He is bigger than it all. Are you desperate to be free from financial hardship? But as believers, we always want to combine our natural efforts with spiritual forcethe force of faith! No bank or investment opportunity can even come close to this return on your giving. You cannot serve both God and money" - Matt. (Proverbs 3:9-10). I am always in the right place at the right time because my steps are ordered of the Lord. I am the lender and not the borrower! We give thanks to Our Awesome Creator and Owner of this Universe who is also The Master who will lift us high in His righteousness. I RECEIVE AND STAND IN AGREEMENT. Even, 12 baskets remained. No weapon formed against me, my family or my finances will prosper in Jesus Name(, I seek first the kingdom of God; therefore, everything I need will be added to me. I know its not Gods will for his people to be in want. The LORD my God teaches me to profit and leads me in the way I should go (Isaiah 48:17). Read these 3 posts to learn more about defeating the poverty spirit: 7 Signs of a Spirit of Poverty, Answering 10 FAQs about the Poverty Spirit, 4 More Huge FAQs about the Poverty Spirit. I break and annul all assignments of the . As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. A poverty spirit criticizes others when haveon something nice, but the Holy Spirit rejoices over that persons blessing, knowing that theres plenty to go around. Make it your aim to live a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to earn your own living, just as we told you before. So do read on for some financial breakthrough scriptures. I HEREBY DECLARE ALL CURSES AGAINST ME . Read more about having the right money mindset and how this will transform your finances in another one of my posts here. So grateful He has encouraged you and I pray He will continue to do so. These prophetic decrees came at the right time God kbew i would need it. No amount of work can improve on this. PROSPERITY: My God meets all my needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. As thanksgiving to him you will be extravagantly generous to others through active giving, kindness and love. Jamie, Im really in need of a part time job, please help me pray, thanks so much. Green growth, decent work, and economic prosperity in the transition to net zero. I plead the blood of Jesus over my money and my possessions. I searched for the right message in the right time. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. I decree increase into your savings accounts in Jesus name. 5 So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. No matter how troubling your situation, God can and will turn it around. (Colossians 1:9), My God makes all grace abound toward me in every way, so that I have all sufficiency in all things and abound to every good work. Have a wonderful day! I've mismanaged my money. Thank you. . Financial Breakthrough Prayers For Abundance And Prosperity : A Powerful Prophetic Prayers and Declarations For Financial Increase, Favor, Career Breakthrough and Miracle in your Finances - Kindle edition by Rodrguez, David . Are you seeking the favour of God over your finances? She leads Jewels the Womens Ministry of The Elevation Church, and the convener ofthe Made for More Conference, an annual womens gathering that seeks to help women attain all of their potentials, equipping them with biblical truths andpromoting women led businesses. When Jesus was here on earth He said, "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" ( Matthew 7:11 ). I receive the wealth gathered and heaped up by the sinner according to Ecclesiastes 2:26 in Jesus name. PRAYERS FOR PROSPERITY AND FINANCIAL RELEASE FATHER IN HEAVEN, It is YOU who gives me power to get wealth, that Your covenant is established in the earth and in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ (Deut 8:18). Are you ready to move from the lean, meager table of debt and lack and begin to sit at the Kings table of covenant blessing? So that youre ready when the enemy attacks you with his lies. You are a doer of the Word, and not a hearer only. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. There is an abundance of money and its on its way to me. Grace and peace to you! The definition of Prosperity is a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune. Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 - Saturday, March 25th, 2023. Help us reach more people with the true and full gospel. (Psalm 23:1), I commit my works to the Lord, and so my plans will be established and succeed. See also Disclaimer. Keep on speaking that Word over yourself! Thank you for being an obedient servant of the Lord what God is doing through you is changing lives. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. I had sent in a prayer request for him regarding, Call us at 1-817-852-6000 or click here to send a prayer request online. But, I TRULY BELIEVE that God is turning things around for us. Benut unto you and your ministry also these financial increases in Jesus name, Amen. I decree that you shall obey the voice of the Lord your God in every way, and everything you put your hand to shall be blessed. My debts are out of control. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 14After the people saw the signJesus performed, they began to say, Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.15Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him kingby force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I have been reading The Prophetic Decrees. I am walking in abundance. The Lord takes pleasure in my prosperity, so I declare that I am prosperous in Jesus Name! The Youth Declaration is the result of a series of consultations with young people from the world's 46 LDCs. My family and I have been going through financially. Tell me, what do you have in the house? And she said, Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil. (Luke 6:38). This is another story in the scripture about increase. Or like Philip who saw the problem. Whatever I do prospers. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10). ( Ps 115:14), I speak today unto my harvest; I receive a harvest today of seeds sown in the past. Financial abundance seems to stay in my hands. Youre welcome, Robert. I will be back with my testimony of what our Lord God Almighty has done for me. You only become poor IF YOU LISTEN and disobey God. The United States congratulates the people of Nigeria, President-elect Tinubu, and all political leaders following the declaration by Nigeria's Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on the results of the February 25 presidential election. Grab YOUR free bible inspired 17-page pack of budget and finance printables today!. Wait for God to speak a special word to you? This means that, if you purchase a resource on Amazon using my links, Amazon will pay me a small commission (at no additional cost to you of course). . My barns will be filled with plenty, and my vats will overflow with new wine. Rafael-Olivier, in Jesus name I pray that God would send you the job He desires for you. I needed it because Ive been having a tough few years. Popular Now - Prayers for Financial Blessings and Prosperity Praying For Money, Relief From Loan, Credit Card Debt And Financial Burdens Lord, I've made financial mistakes. Money is a tool, but the wrong use of money CAN blow up in your face. I increase more and more because it is God who gives me the power to get wealth, and He does so while adding no sorrow to it. Thanks Jamie for interceding for me, its very much appreciated. This was most definitely my message. There's nothing like a KCM event. This competitive election represents a new period for Nigerian politics and democracy. I decree that you are a good steward of Gods blessings. Give us wisdom and joy that we can be good stewards over all that you deliver into our hands. Kenneth Copeland Ministries' Church Listing can help you easily find a Bible-believing ministry near you. AMEN!!!! This includes financial wisdom. Im praising Jesus with you. If its in the bible then its Gods promise to you. God is the covenantor and we are the covenantee; that is, we are the beneficiary of the deal. This is one of many scriptures on increase. It shows that God understands the importance of good financial wellbeing in your life. As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 1-817-852-6000 or submit a prayer request. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Your reign is forever. I receive money with every detail of my life. Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias),2and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the signshe had performed by healing the sick. We can use money to serve God and people. However, I am totally ready to walk in the will of God for my life and I am believing that God will supply ALL of our NEED! (Psalm 23:1.) Good morning, Jamie. There really is a God based purpose for prosperity. 10. Decide what you want and boldly affirm that it is yours now. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I decree that, from this day forward, I am blessed financially. As instructed (Please note she is obeying and trusting what Elisha tells her). I had to leave my job, because I wasnt in the will of God by being thereand in consequence to that, I was under severe stress and it started to take a toll on my health. It includes a FREE PDF of the prayer and powerful bible verses about wealth and prosperity. In this way you will win the respect of those who are not believers, and you will not have to depend on anyone for what you need. I had sent in a prayer request for him regarding, Call us at 1-817-852-6000 or click here to send a prayer request online. Blessings, In the name of Jesus, I command the spirit of poverty to come off of you right now and I ask the Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit where that was. All Rights Reserved. What a blessing and so timely for me as I have been without a job for 3 months now. When you show God how well you handle a small amount, He will put you in charge of more. Psalm 46: To elevate enthusiasm for spiritual matter, increase one's faith in the guidance of the higher self. I choose to get ready for my new life as a king!" ~ Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell My husband had colon cancer in 2014 and as a result from the chemotherapy treatment has left him with side effects. Because even in these times He promises that you will not wither. I am prospering in my marriage (my relationships, both past and present), and in every area of my life. We are in such need financially right now. I decree a holy inspiration, motivation, and perseverance into you as you dig into Gods truth about finances. Every series you publish has been a gift. Oh Lord in Heaven, I come before You today for the sake of prosperity and protection. I have been struggling for so long always at a door step of getting money and start a life but one or 2 things will happen and I failed. Use daily money affirmations. I pray the Lord will use this ministry to bless you. He doesnt want you to lack or be without. Abundance and prosperity are God's will for my life, so I call myself debt free in Jesus' Name. Because if you do, you run the risk of becoming idle and neglecting your own business. To remove financial hindrances, say this as many times as possible daily: God, Your Word says that whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Categories . The energy of financial abundance is blessing me. The windows of heaven are open over my life, my family and my business because we are tithers. God bless you! They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Each of the top three candidates was the leading vote . I repent for embracing it and I command it to leave me in Jesus name right now. Thank you. I am very good at receiving financial abundance. Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 21:21, Proverbs 22:4 FINANCIAL DECLARATIONS And then they will be able to win the life which is true life.! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I will wait patiently in faith for the direction of the Holy Spirit. Jesus took what was small, gave thanks to God (so important!) I declare that I operate and function in the wisdom of God concerning my finances. God has provided healing and prosperity for His children if they will obey His commandments. I remembered this prayer right away. Catherine Ponder, author of over a dozen prosperity books, said to be bold in your declarations. Use of Site Subject to your agreement to our Privacy Policy. Begin today with these confessions for financial victory you can declare by faith! PG as he is fondly called, is also the visionary behind several initiatives and conferences which include the Hangout for singles, Man Up- a mentorship program for young men as well as Mr & Mrs Better Half, a ministry that is positioned to positively influence marriages and relationships. guild wars 2 incinerator. I decree and Declare Gods Blessings over me and my household, and over everyone that happens to read this blo0g. Through partnership we maximize our impact for the Kingdom. Remind him in prayer about this promise. Heavenly Father, please fill me with the Holy Spirit where that was. o prosper is "to go forward hopefully, to flourish, succeed, thrive". it looks awesome! Thank you, Jamie, as always for your words of love and encouragement from the father. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I thank You, Father that I am prospering and in good health just as my soul is prospering. Thank God for sharing this insightful advice. I know and i believe with my all that I will get the finances that I will need and more! I call your debts paid off in Jesus name. Our vision is to see believers experiencing the fullness of THE BLESSING which includes divine healing, supernatural prosperity, the God kind of love and more; operating skillfully in God's Word; and well-trained to discern good and evil. I am open and willing to allow financial abundance to come to me. Your website is a blessing and I am excited to see more. Go grab your copies on Amazon today, and dig in! Im so sorry to hear that. Gods will is my prosperity, spirit, soul and body. This book explains how believers can release their faith for finances and \x26#34;eat the good of the land.\x26#34; Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. Prophetic Declarations for Breakthroughs . I am filled with the knowledge of God in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. Genesis 12:1-3, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 22:9, Proverbs 28:27 I always PUT GOD FIRST and He gives me life, honor, prosperity and wealth. natural financial blessing, you can give $1.11, $11.11, $111.00, verse of promise as you stand, decree, and declare His Word. My husband has not been been able to find a job for several months and things just keep coming at us from all directions! The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Have a blessed day. Im really struggling with getting through this my situation of financies. I have all sufficiency of all things and abound to all good works for my God has made ALL grace abound toward me. Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I declare my mortgage, cars and debts are paid off. Thank you. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.. I decree that I have a mentality of abundance starting today. Our flagship daily broadcast, Believer's Voice of Victory, reaches more than 885 million viewers each day and features Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their guests, who teach foundational principles for faith and whole-life prosperity. Please make welcome to Photizo, Pastor Chingtok Ishaku. These verses capture the desires that one may want reassurance on during times of financial distress. Prayers for Prosperity and Financial Release: I break all assignments of the enemy against my finances in the name of Jesus. In Biblical terms, a "declaration" is a message or a word, spoken or written, which makes known the truth about something. 1997 - 2023 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Are you looking for more biblical content about money and tips to help you steward your money that pleases God? Godman Akinlabi is the Lead Pastor of The Elevation Church that has a God-given mandate to make greatness common.